Announcing Cradle-7.7 - start your free trial here


Multi-User Model Based Systems Engineering Across the Systems Lifecycle













Cradle Enterprise manages data for all of your project phases. Capture data from external documents or tools and track changes to these sources. Build new sets of requirements, analysis, architecture and design models, tests or verifications and link them to the source data and each other. Check the quality of text, models and data structures. Prove information integrity with traceability and coverage analyses. Raise customers’ confidence with proof that your work satisfies its source data, complies fully with its constraints, and will meet customers’ needs. Generate full project documentation and track data in all issues of project documentation. Track your progress with metrics and KPIs and link your WBS and actual progress to project planning tools. Multi-user with built-in, user-defined CM, workflows and access controls, with support for multiple team collaboration and discussions.

Full Details

Cradle Enterprise manages data for all of your project phases. Capture data from external documents or tools and track changes to these sources. Build new sets of requirements, analysis, architecture and design models, tests or verifications and link them to the source data and each other. Check the quality of text, models and data structures. Prove information integrity with traceability and coverage analyses. Raise customers’ confidence with proof that your work satisfies its source data, complies fully with its constraints, and will meet customers’ needs. Generate full project documentation and track data in all issues of project documentation. Track your progress with metrics and KPIs and link your WBS and actual progress to project planning tools. Multi-user with built-in, user-defined CM, workflows and access controls, with support for multiple team collaboration and discussions.

You can create any number of projects, each with a schema and a database of any number of items of any number of user‐defined types. Each item can have any number of attributes with up to 1 TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools. All items can be linked with user‐defined types of cross reference. Links have attributes to justify, parametise or explain them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses. External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every requirement, regulation or other item in Cradle is linked to its origin in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of your source data to customers with a full range of coverage analyses of their documents.

Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Change logs are immediately available. All information can be checked for quality using user-defined rules that analyse text, model consistency and item structures. Model check rules can be customised. You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables, and as diagrams.

Cradle‐Enterprise is one of the Cradle product range that includes several low cost, single-user, options.

Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data to source and generated documents with complete version management
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards

Major Features

Supports full system lifecycle
Agile and phase processes
Process independent
Supports RM
User-defined CM, baselines and workflows
Custom web UIs
Alerts with e-mail delivery
Publish database to websites
Collaboration and discussions
Performance analysis
User-defined team hierarchies and access controls
Code generation and reverse engineering
Supports managing functions and components
Supports test management
Supports project V&V
Load source documents (text, tables, figures and links)
Manage source document versions and differences
Full lifecycle transitive traceability and coverage
User-defined items and attributes
User-defined link types, link rules and link attributes
Fully linked model hierarchies with model sharing and reuse
Full modelling and checking tools, inter-model checks
Spell checking
Quality (conformance) checks
Direct editing in tables and in user-defined forms
1:1, 1:N, M:N linking of all items
Drag-and-drop linking
Graphical traceability views
User-defined queries, views, forms, hierarchies, navigations
Make child, sibling, hierarchy
Split and merge items
Reordering of item hierarchies
Traceability to/from document versions
User-defined document templates
Suspect item displays
User-defined metrics
Automated change histories
User-defined calculations
User-defined progress graphs
User-defined pivot tables
User-defined matrices
Automatic WBS and progress reporting
User-defined dashboards and KPIs, fully web-enabled
User-defined reports to CSV, Word, HTML, Excel
Import/export for XML (any schema), CSV, Cradle and ReqIF
Automated batch reporting from command line utilities


Given the multitude of options for licensing Cradle Enterprise, we request that you contact us so that we may assist you in determining the best configuration for your needs.