Announcing Cradle-7.7 - start your free trial here



3SL has a very simple ethos which is "behave towards others as you would want them to behave towards you". This is expressed in our guiding principles, which are to be:

Respectful, towards you and your colleagues, to your data and your intellectual property
Professional, to act in the best interests of you and your work, regardless of whether that is ever in conflict with the best interests of 3SL or our personal best interests
Truthful, we will tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
Honest, we obey the law wherever we sell or work, we always report violations of the law regardless of who is involved, and we never accept financial or other beneficial inducements
Transparent, we will explain our actions fully and clearly
Pragmatic, we will propose solutions that use the least time and cost, even if these proposals exclude using our products and services
Helpful, we will answer your questions quickly and completely, and wherever possible we will offer help, guidance, suggestions and recommendations that are more extensive than your questions