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Cradle Training Courses

3SL is proud to offer training courses in the administration and practical usage of Cradle. We offer courses which cover the basic usage of Cradle, courses specialising in Requirements Management, Document Publisher, Cradle Project Administration, Risk Management and Cradle System Administration.

Cradle training courses can be provided on-site. We also offer public/online training courses. Please see the Public/Online Training page for further information

Book your Cradle Training Course or please see our blog for the Training Course calendar.

By default, all public training is presented using a connection to 3SLs shared SaaS so no installations are necessary. All that is required to allow access to our server is:

Please note that training is always provided using the latest version of Cradle.

We offer a 1 day Project Administration course, a 2 day Requirements Management course, a 2 day Document Publisher course, a one day Risk Management course and a 1 day System Administration course.

You need to provide:

For online courses:

  • Computers to be used by the course attendees

For onsite courses on your premises:

  • Computers to be used by the course attendees
  • Data projector to be used by the course tutor
  • Training room with sufficient furniture for the course instructor and attendees
  • Refreshments and meals for the course attendees

We will provide:

For online courses:

  • Cradle licences (all modules) for use by the course attendees during the training and for up to 2 weeks after the training has ended
  • Soft copy of training materials - for use by the attendees only
  • An official certificate of completion

For public courses at our chosen location:

  • Computers to be used by the course attendees
  • Data projector to be used by the course tutor
  • Training room with sufficient furniture for the course instructor and attendees
  • Refreshments and meals for the course attendees
  • Cradle licences (all modules) for use by the course attendees during the training and for up to 2 weeks after the training has ended
  • Soft copy of training materials - for use by the attendees only
  • An official certificate of completion

For onsite courses at your premises:

  • Cradle licences (all modules) for use by the course attendees during the training and for up to 2 weeks after the training has ended
  • Soft copy of training materials - for use by the attendees only
  • An official certificate of completion

3SL offer a number of Cradle public training courses.

Public courses may include people from several organisations. They are ideal when:

  • You have a small number of people to be trained
  • Some training is needed at short notice
  • New people join your team and need to be trained quickly

The following public training courses are available in 2024:

  • January 23rd to 24th - Introduction
  • February 19th to 22nd - Requirements Management
  • March 18th to 21st - Document Publisher
  • April 16th to 17th - Risk Management
  • May 21st to 22nd - Test Management and Execution
  • June 18th to 19th - Configuration Management
  • July 16th to 17th - Project Administration
  • July 23rd to 24th - Introduction
  • August 19th to 22nd - Requirements Management
  • September 16th to 19th - Document Publisher
  • October 22nd to 23rd - Risk Management
  • November 19th to 20th - Test Management and Execution
  • December 10th to 11th - Configuration Management

To book a place on one of our public training courses please visit the website shop.

Cradle Introduction Course (1 day duration) Contents:


  1. The Problem
  2. Definitions
  3. What is Cradle
  4. Cradle Benefits
  5. Example Applications
  6. Example Uses
  7. Lifecycle Coverage
  8. Scope
  9. User Training Objectives
  10. Summary

Cradle Modules and Components:

  1. Project Data Management (PDM)
  2. Requirements Management (REQ)
  3. Metrics (MET)
  4. Dashboard (DASH)
  5. Systems Modelling (SYS)
  6. Performance Modelling (PERF)
  7. Document Generation (DOC)
  8. Web Publisher (WEBP)
  9. Web Access (WEBA)
  10. Software Engineering (SWE)
  11. Risk Management (RISK)
  12. Test Execution (TEST)
  13. Cradle Licences
  14. Cradle Components
  15. Summary

Basic Concepts:

  1. Items
  2. Cross References
  3. Parts of the Schema
  4. Hierarchy of Items
  5. Definition Files
  6. Reports and Documents
  7. Reducing Complexity
  8. User Accounts
  9. Summary

Cradle WorkBench:

  1. WorkBench
  2. WorkBench Interface
  3. Dashboards
  4. Selecting Views
  5. Presentation Styles
  6. Creating Items
  7. Links and Navigations
  8. Queries
  9. Generating Reports
  10. Producing Graphs
  11. Forms
  12. Closing Items, Panes and Queries
  13. Finding Items
  14. Embedded Documents (Binary Frames)
  15. Change History
  16. Discussions
  17. Matrices
  18. Hierarchy Diagrams (HIDs)
  19. Modelling
  20. Risk Management in Cradle
  21. Test Execution in Cradle
  22. Customising WorkBench Environment
  23. Summary

Toolsuite Tools:

  1. Document Loader
  2. Starting Document Loader
  3. Capture Setup Definitions
  4. Document Loader Interface
  5. Setting up your Capture
  6. Register and Capture Document
  7. New Versions of Documents
  8. Document Loader Example
  9. Office Add-Ins
  10. Document Publisher
  11. Starting Document Publisher
  12. Document Publisher Interface
  13. Steps to Create a Document
  14. Tag Types
  15. Define Hierarchy
  16. Draft and Formal Documents
  17. Example Document
  18. Summary


  1. Layered Approach to Configuring Cradle
  2. Layer A - Define Item Types and Links
  3. Layer B - Define Workflows and Users
  4. Layer C - Define Basic Queries, Views and Forms
  5. Layer D - Define Traceability/Coverage Views and Queries
  6. Layer E - Define Reports
  7. Layer F - Define Metrics/KPIs
  8. Layer G - Define Phase Hierarchy/Start Pages
  9. Layer H - Define Documents
  10. Additional Refined Features
  11. Summary

Support and Troubleshooting:

  1. Contacting 3SL
  2. Maintenance
  3. Support Call Logging
  4. Help and Documentation
  5. 3SL Website and Resources
  6. Training
  7. Summary

Cradle Project Administration Course (1 day duration) Contents:

Introduction to Cradle:

  1. The Problem
  2. What is Cradle
  3. Cradle Scope
  4. Why use Cradle
  5. Cradle Components
  6. Cradle Benefits
  7. Example Applications
  8. Example Uses
  9. Summary

Project Management:

  1. Cradle Projects
  2. Project Manager
  3. Creating a Project
  4. Organising a Project
  5. Project Attributes
  6. Locking Projects
  7. Project Manager Reports
  8. Deleting Projects
  9. Moving Projects
  10. Repairing Projects
  11. Launching Cradle Applications from Project Manager
  12. Summary

Designing a Schema:

  1. Starting our Schema Design
  2. Modifying our Schema
  3. Item Recovery Setting
  4. Hiding Item Types
  5. Master Tree
  6. Export Project Schema
  7. Summary

Defining Items and Links:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Training Schema
  3. Cross References
  4. Cradle Usage of Cross References
  5. Setting Cross Reference Parameters
  6. Summary

Setting up Users:

  1. Training Import File
  2. User Accounts
  3. MANAGER User
  4. Adding a User
  5. Privileges
  6. Security Clearance
  7. User Types
  8. Skills
  9. Teams
  10. Roles
  11. Switch Identity Option
  12. LDAP Authentication
  13. Summary

WorkBench Environment:

  1. Training Import File
  2. WorkBench Environment
  3. Definition Files
  4. Queries
  6. Matrices
  7. Forms
  8. Navigations
  9. Metrics
  10. Dashboards
  11. Other Definition Files
  12. Managing Environments
  13. Summary

Database Management:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Project Housekeeping Tools
  3. Item Recovery
  4. Item Integrity
  5. Renumbering Items
  6. Reordering Items
  7. Comparing Items
  8. Spellchecker
  9. Conformance Checker
  10. Modifying Multiple Items (Properties)
  11. Snapshots
  12. Summary

Configuration and Change:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Configuration Management in Cradle
  3. Lightweight CM - Discussions
  4. Micro CM - Change History
  5. Macro CM - Configuration Management System
  6. Change Ownership
  7. Alerts
  8. Summary


  1. Training Import File
  2. Preferences
  3. WorkBench Sessions
  4. Phase Hierarchy
  5. Start Pages
  6. Summary

Support and Troubleshooting:

  1. Planning your Projects
  2. Concept of Operations
  3. Contacting 3SL
  4. Maintenance
  5. Support Call Logging
  6. Help and Documentation
  7. 3SL Website and Resources
  8. Training
  9. Summary

Cradle Requirements Management Course (2 days duration) Contents:

Introduction to Cradle:

  1. The Problem
  2. What is Cradle
  3. Cradle Scope
  4. Why use Cradle
  5. Cradle Components
  6. Cradle Benefits
  7. Example Applications
  8. Example Uses
  9. Summary

Cradle Training Environment:

  1. Training Project Schema
  2. Users
  3. Exploring WorkBench
  4. Demonstration and Objectives
  5. Summary

Document Loader Introduction:

  1. Document Loader
  2. Source Document Preparation
  3. Training Source Document
  4. Starting Document Loader
  5. Opening a Document
  6. Document Loader Interface
  7. Setting up your Capture
  8. Captured Data in Cradle
  9. New Document Versions
  10. Summary

Office Tools Introduction:

  1. Training Import file
  2. Project Schema
  3. Capturing Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  4. Capturing from Microsoft Visio
  5. Integration with Microsoft Project
  6. Summary

Engineering Data:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Exploring the WorkBench User Interface
  3. Viewing our Customer Needs
  4. Editing Items
  5. Forms
  6. Creating Items
  7. Deleting items
  8. Copying items
  9. Discussions
  10. Item Operations
  11. Queries and Views
  12. Spellchecker
  13. Conformance Checker
  14. Summary

Hierarchies in Cradle:

  1. Training Import File
  2. What is a Hierarchy
  3. How to set up Hierarchies
  4. Creating Hierarchies
  5. Reorganising Hierarchies
  6. Summary


  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Traceability
  3. Cross References
  4. Creating Cross References
  5. Navigations
  6. Unlinking Items
  7. Viewing Linked Items
  8. Checking Item Integrity using Links
  9. Summary

Customising WorkBench:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. What are Environments
  3. Forms
  4. Queries
  6. Matrices
  7. Navigations
  8. Metrics
  9. Dashboards
  10. Other Definition Files
  11. Managing Environments
  12. Summary

Configuration Management:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Configuration Management in Cradle
  3. Lightweight CM - Discussions
  4. Micro CM - Change History
  5. Macro CM - Configuration Management System
  6. Workflows
  7. Audit Trail
  8. Change Ownership
  9. Alerts
  10. Summary

WorkBench Output:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Publishing Data
  3. Document Publisher
  4. Publishing Tables
  5. Publishing Selected Items
  6. Publishing a Matrix
  7. Publishing Individual Items
  8. Printing Diagrams
  9. Publishing Dashboards
  10. Graphs
  11. Reports
  12. Web Publisher
  13. Summary

Document Publisher Output:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Document Publisher Overview
  3. Starting Document Publisher
  4. User Interface
  5. Steps to Creating a Document
  6. Example Template
  7. Options
  8. Formal Documents
  9. Summary

Customising your Environment:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Schema
  3. Customising your Environment
  4. Phase Hierarchy
  5. Start Pages
  6. Preferences
  7. Summary

Tool Support:

  1. Updating our Training Database
  2. Contacting 3SL
  3. Maintenance
  4. Support Call Logging
  5. Help and Documentation
  6. 3SL Website and Resources
  7. Training
  8. Summary

Cradle Document Publisher Course (2 days duration) Contents:


  1. What is Document Publisher
  2. How Does Document Publisher Work
  3. Operational Requirements
  4. Preparing our Training Database
  5. Summary

Designing a Template:

  1. Understanding your Database
  2. Document Structures
  3. Static Text
  4. Defining Document Headings
  5. Using a Corporate Template
  6. Microsoft Word Knowledge
  7. Summary

Navigating the Interface:

  1. Log In
  2. Document Publisher Interface
  3. Options
  4. Publishing a Document
  5. Summary

Tags and Hierarchies:

  1. What are Tags
  2. Tag Types
  3. Formatting Tags
  4. Defining Hierarchies
  5. Importing from other Templates
  6. Filters
  7. Summary

Specification Document:

  1. Overview and Startup
  2. Adding Cover Page
  3. Computed Headings
  4. Adding Field Tags to Paragraph Group
  5. Publishing a Hierarchy Diagram
  6. Adding a Functional Requirements Table
  7. Requirements Traceability Matrix
  8. Inserting a WorkBench Table Tag
  9. Headers and Footers
  10. List of Figures
  11. Summary

Verification Document:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Objectives
  3. Example Template
  4. Creating a New Template
  5. Adding a MS Word Table
  6. Bookmarking the Table
  7. Adding a Paragraph Group Tag
  8. Defining a Hierarchy
  9. Parametrics
  10. Adding the Field Tags
  11. Adding the Field Tags with Filters
  12. Save and Publish the Template
  13. Summary

Item Lists:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Objectives
  3. Item Lists
  4. Creating a New Template
  5. Defining Item List User Variables
  6. Building the Item Lists
  7. Using the Item Lists
  8. Referencing Item Lists in Filters
  9. Summary

Draft and Formal Documents:

  1. Training Import File
  2. Publishing as Draft
  3. Formal Documents
  4. Formal Document Usage in WorkBench
  5. Publishing New Version of Formal Document
  6. Publishing Single Tags
  7. Command Line Batch Files
  8. Summary

Cradle Risk Management Course (1 day duration) Contents:

Introduction to Risk Management:

  1. Introduction to Risk Management
  2. Risk Management Plan
  3. Risk Management in Cradle
  4. Licence Prerequisite
  5. Summary

Setting up a Risk Item Type:

  1. Schema Import
  2. Creating a Risk Item Type
  3. Define Link Rules
  4. Creating Environments for RISK Items
  5. Summary

Managing Risks:

  1. Schema Import
  2. Defining a Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)
  3. Creating Associated Risks
  4. Adding a Second RAM
  5. Modifying a RAM
  6. Preparing a Risk Register
  7. Creating Links to Risks
  8. Creating Views for Risks
  9. Summary

Reporting Risks:

  1. Schema Import
  2. Graphs
  3. Reports
  4. Document Publisher
  5. Summary

Example Usage Demo:

  1. Context
  2. Introduction
  3. Schema Settings
  4. Overview
  5. RBS
  6. Risk Summary
  7. Risk Registers
  8. Risk Profiles
  9. Summary

Cradle Test Management and Execution Course (1 day duration) Contents:

Introduction to Test Management:

  1. Introduction to Test Execution in Cradle
  2. Sequence of Operations in Cradle
  3. Licence Prerequisite
  4. Test Ribbon in WorkBench
  5. Summary

Setting up Supporting Item Types:

  1. Schema Overview
  2. Enabling Test Execution and Recording
  3. Adding Additional Links
  4. User Profiles
  5. Adding Environments
  6. Summary

Test Planning:

  1. Schema Subset (Import)
  2. Creating Test Cases
  3. Defining a Test Plan
  4. Adding Test Information
  5. Summary

Test Execution and Recording:

  1. Schema Subset (Import)
  2. Defining a Test Run
  3. Executing a Test Run
  4. Recording Test Results
  5. Summary

Cradle Configuration Management Course (1 day duration) Contents:


  1. What is CM and Why Have it?
  2. CM Mechanisms
  3. CM Types in Cradle
  4. User Profiles
  5. Privileges and Settings
  6. Teams
  7. Baselines
  8. Workflows
  9. About this Course
  10. Summary

Lightweight and Micro CM:

  1. What is Lightweight CM?
  2. Discussions
  3. Privileges
  4. How to Create a Discussion
  5. Querying on Discussions
  6. Contributing to a Discussion
  7. What is Micro CM?
  8. Enabling Change History
  9. What Activities are Shown in History
  10. Reverse/Rewind Change History
  11. Summary

Macro CM:

  1. Configuration Management System
  2. Example Project
  3. Setting up Users
  4. Opening a Baseline
  5. Configuration Management Options
  6. Viewing Example Data
  7. Workflows
  8. Formal Changes
  9. Audit Trail
  10. Configuration Management Alerts
  11. Changing Ownership of Items
  12. Summary

Simple Review Example:

  1. Database Update
  2. Example Briefing
  3. Advance Mechanism
  4. Defining the Example Workflow
  5. Scenario Example
  6. Summary

Team Review Example:

  1. Database Update
  2. Example Briefing
  3. Advance Mechanism
  4. Setting up Teams
  5. Defining the Example Workflow
  6. Scenario Example
  7. Multiple Team Review
  8. Summary

Change Management Examples:

  1. Database Update
  2. Change Management
  3. Change Management Workflows
  4. Change Management Example
  5. Simplifying the Change Process
  6. Summary

Additional Configuration Features:

  1. Summary of Course
  2. Switch Identity
  3. Stage Forms
  4. Reports
  5. Alerts
  6. Change Ownership
  7. Baseline Mode
  8. Project Snapshots
  9. External Command Interface
  10. Summary

Cradle System Administration Course (1 day duration) Contents:

Introduction to Cradle:

  1. About Cradle
  2. Cradle Modules
  3. Cradle Features
  4. Cradle Components
  5. Summary


  1. Operating Requirements
  2. Cradle Communications
  3. Cradle Components
  4. Cradle Utilities
  5. Summary


  1. Types of Installation
  2. Installation Configurations
  3. Where can Cradle be Obtained
  4. Windows Installation
  5. Linux Installation
  6. Troubleshooting Installations
  7. Summary

LDAP Setup:

  1. What is LDAP
  2. Cradle Use of LDAP
  3. LDAP Directories
  4. Cradle LDAP Configuration
  5. LDAP Troubleshooting
  6. Summary

Open Database Connectivity:

  1. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
  2. Project Data Storage
  3. ODBC Install Prerequisites
  4. Oracle Requirements
  5. MySQL Requirements
  6. Connection Pooling
  7. Summary

Web Services Interface:

  1. What is Cradle Web Services Interface (WSI)
  2. WSI Licensing
  3. WSI Configuration
  4. WSI Operation
  5. HTTP Methods
  6. Item Handling
  7. Item Locking
  8. Error Responses
  9. WSI Examples
  10. Summary

Email Alerts:

  1. Alerts in Cradle
  2. Alert Delivery Agent
  3. Email Templates
  4. Summary

Backup Procedures:

  1. Types of Backup
  2. Image Backups
  3. Archive Exports
  4. Snapshots
  5. Summary

Cradle Maintenance:

  1. Maintenance Services
  2. Cradle Utilities
  3. Managing Licences
  4. Admin Files
  5. Other Project Tools
  6. Summary

3SL Support:

  1. Contacting 3SL
  2. Maintenance
  3. Support Call Logging
  4. Help and Documentation
  5. 3SL Website and Resources
  6. Training
  7. Summary