Make Links
There are multiple ways to create cross reference links in Cradle.
Drag and drop the items to create a cross reference link, use the Link Details dialog to manually enter, or use the ‘Make Link To‘ and the ‘Make Link From‘ option. The video above demonstrates how quick and simple these methods are.
A slightly more graphic method of producing cross references is to double-click, or right click and choose Create Cross Reference on the inter linking cell in a Matrix.

The cell also gives access to the items from the column and row that are referenced at the intersection, or details of the existing link between them
What can link to what, by whom and with what link type is controlled by link rules. Covered in this blog article.cross ref
Cross Reference Attributes
Each of these options creates a link. Each one can have sixteen user defined link attributes. These are defined in the Project Schema, if you don’t define any, Cradle will default to providing “Reason, Rationale, Reference and Note” for the first four attributes to get you started.