How Does That Work ?
The Flexible Licence Model in Cradle Means it Does
Unlike other software tools the licences in Cradle are concurrent usage licences. It is, therefore, quite possible to have fewer licences than you have people and still be able to do everything you need.
If some of your engineers are involved in writing requirements and others writing tests, there may be no need for them to open the systems engineering diagrams. Why pay for a licence they are not going to use? That’s not to say they may not need to at some point, and as long as there is a licence free at that instance in time, they will be able to open the diagram too. Of course if you want to prevent a particular user ever consuming a licence then you can set module access rights to prevent them acquiring one.
Generally reporting using metrics and dashboards is an infrequent activity. Why have umpteen licences hanging around not being used? Exactly what we say. Don’t buy it if you don’t need it! (hint: It’s a Flexible Licence Model in Cradle)
Are you seriously telling me to spend less money?
Yep! We want you to be clear why Cradle is a better more cost effective choice for your business.
If the project focus changes and more people need metrics do I have to reinstall?
Nope! Just have a word with our sales team and they’ll have a new code prepared. Install this on the server, restart the Cradle Database Server and you have your new compliment of licences. That applies to any of the available modules.
I’m too big for a single user system, but not big enough to afford a full enterprise system, are there only the two options?
No! Falling into this ‘in-between ground’ or having difficulty explaining the benefits of a fully integrated lifecycle management tool to your bosses can be a problem. “Named user licensing”, sorts this out, giving significant cost savings. Instead of being able to have a large pool of engineers, any of whom can seek a connection to the database and acquire a module licence, named user systems lock the connections to a set of named users.
I guess I then have to spend bucket loads of money on upgrades and a premium help line?
No again! With enterprise systems you get as much support as necessary for a fixed annual maintenance fee, based on the size of your system. You get all patch and version releases free during this period.
What do I need to spend money on?
Not much! We offer free and comprehensive help information with your installation and online. We provide demonstration databases so you can see how things work and get up and running. However, if you want to hit the ground running and ensure all users run up the learning curve, we will tailor training courses for your individual needs. Again not a fixed price for teaching you everything in Cradle, you only pay for the parts pertinent to your business. If you want help to set up a database and project to match your business specific work model, then we can offer consultancy at a competitive rate.
What should I do?
Don’t delay, contact 3SL today. You can have a free webinar, a free evaluation and a chance to improve your product lifecycle.

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From concept to creation, you, Cradle and 3SL!