History Filter in Views

New Cradle 7.2 Views Feature

If too much information is showing in the history cell of a View, it can now be filtered by the number of entries and/or by a date. This makes it easier to see what’s changed in, say, the last week.

In the “View Details” dialog select the “Item History” cell. Then in the Cell Properties select whether to limit the “Maximum number of changes”, entering a maximum number to show. Then select  “Changes within date range” in order to enter relative or absolute date values for the history filter.

The start options are:

  • Today
  • Start of this week
  • Start of last week
  • Start of this month
  • Start of last month
  • Start of 2 months ago
  • Start of 3 months ago
  • Specify

The end options are:

  • Today
  • End of last week
  • End of last month
  • End of 2 months ago
  • End of 3 months ago
  • Specify

See More of Your Items’ Details

Items with large amounts of data in might be useful for current projects but if you can’t see all the information inside that item then this can be quite frustrating. Cradle allows you to customise views, drag out items and reshape queries to best suit you and your projects. Very useful when dealing with large amounts of data.


Needing all the details for your item to be on display?.

Once you have run a query, you may find the WorkBench ‘View’ you have chosen isn’t quite big enough to see some of the cells. This can be frustrating as there is a balance between the number of items shown and the detail shown for each item. You may need to see more information for one or for all the items shown.


You could, of course, edit the ‘View’ (provided you have the CREATE_DEFS privilege). However,  you don’t need to change it just to see more of your items’ details on the screen.

Cells in a ‘View’ can be dragged Selecting of Document View from toolbarwider or deeper. You can switch to ‘Document View’ mode to increase the cells height to match their content.

Alternatively, clicking the icon is a quick way to open in a ‘Form’.

Article Updated 30/01/2019 – Added intro

Frequent Commands – A Tip

Over and over and over again

If you frequently run the same item commands, or you want to guide users to use a particular subset of commands, add them to the Cradle ‘View’. These are termed “View commands”.

When defining a Cradle Views, you can add commands to appear at the ‘Item icon’. When the view is run this enables different users to be guided to commands for their role in the project. Combined with a phase and they can, run the appropriate query and they can get straight into creating children, linked items, updating link details, or whatever is appropriate for their role. Spending a little while now, arranging the process steps for your users can give a significant gain in productivity.

Using View Commands
View Commands

For more information on creating views and view commands you may find this Cradle help article useful.

Article updated 17/09/2018 – Added link to Cradle online help