Requirements Management is the combination of the requirements capture and requirements engineering activities as repeated over time in the development, delivery, and through life support of a system.
Summer’s on the way for those in the Northern Hemisphere. The Vernal (Spring) Equinox is marking the first day astronomical spring. Explained further on
Why not consider a spring clean, remove all those dusty files full of project requirements version 1 to version 9. Why? Will you really be able to find what you are looking for without a way of searching? Consider whether you can sensibly access the details of those designs sitting rolled up in mailing tubes. Do you have the means to edit them electronically any more. Does anyone know where the file is kept?
NOTE: If you live in the Southern Hemisphere you don’t have to wait until spring you could have an Autumn clean !
Cradle can help save your day!
With all the data for your project in one convenient tool, everything from the requirements through the project plan, the design and the test results conveniently linked together. Isn’t that much nicer than a set of files on shelves?
From under £300 (Current Requirements Management Desktop price March 2024) you could bring order where there was chaos. See the comparison chart for details of which tool suits best and the shop for current price details.
Requirements Management February 19th to 22nd 2024
The first RM training this year is – Requirements Management February 2024 course.
“A great opportunity for small teams, or a couple of new team members to get started with RM and Cradle”
Online Course
Businesses that are introducing Cradle and full Requirements Management processes into their operations, can book training for all aspects of the roll-out, from the basics through to specialist administration courses These courses are tailored and held at your premises / virtually depending on restrictions and requirements and are ideal for getting a team up and running.
Public Requirements Management February 19th to 22nd 2024
If, however, you have one or two people new to a project or only have a very small team, this may not be a viable solution. With 3SL’s public online courses, you’ll benefit from all the normal learning, but will have the chance to network and share with other virtual attendees from other industries. This can be a cost effective solution to get you up to speed with Cradle and Requirements Management.
PC/Laptop – internet browser & Cradle installed **
Soft copy course materials, and printed certificate
If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for this Training Course – Requirements Management February 2024 please send an email to
Buy Now
All courses are available for direct purchase online. Buy Now!
The second RM training this year is – Requirements Management August 2024 course.
“A great opportunity for small teams, or a couple of new team members to get started with RM and Cradle”
Online Course
Businesses that are introducing Cradle and full Requirements Management processes into their operations, can book training for all aspects of the roll-out, from the basics through to specialist administration courses. These courses are tailored and held at your premises / virtually depending on restrictions and requirements and are ideal for getting a team up and running.
Public Requirements Management August 19th to 22nd 2024
If, however, you have one or two people new to a project or only have a very small team, this may not be a viable solution. With 3SL’s public online courses, you’ll benefit from all the normal learning, but will have the chance to network and share with other virtual attendees from other industries. This can be a cost effective solution to get you up to speed with Cradle and Requirements Management.
PC/Laptop – internet browser & Cradle installed **
Soft copy course materials, and printed certificate
If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for this Training Course – Requirements Management August 2024 please send an email to
Buy Now
All courses are available for direct purchase online. Buy Now!
The Cradle REQ module provides a complete requirements capture and engineering solution with built-in CM. It can manage needs, risks, products, features, tests, validations and any other data. It is easily applied to both agile and phase-based processes.
REQ Requirements Management Module
Requirements management is part of every agile and phase process. Stakeholder needs are captured, analysed and engineered. Changes are tracked in a CM system. All needs will be linked to design, build, test and acceptance information. In agile, this is in every sprint. In phase-based processes, it is less frequent. But the techniques are the same, and the same tool needs apply that only Cradle provides:
Requirement types can be defined (user, business, system, product, functional or non-functional), user stories and use cases. Link to codes, standards, regulations, knowledge or assumptions. You define other item types to be managed, such as functions, issues, tests, risks, SBS, PBS, WBS or defects. Attributes in these items are controlled, how they will be linked to each other, and their workflows.
Item Attributes
Items have user-definable attributes, each storing or linking to up to 1 TByte of data. Attribute types are user-defined, including dates, numbers, plain and rich text, single or multi-value lists, Office and other documents, and calculations.
The text in requirements, tests, verifications and other items can be quality checked against project-specific rules.
Items can be in hierarchies, groups and many:many relationships. You can create projects using a common library. Product ranges, models, variants and builds are supported. Items can be shared and reused in any of these structures.
Capturing Items
Items can be captured from external documents by Document Loader. It reproduces the document structure in a hierarchy of items. Each item is linked to its origin in the document. Figures are loaded automatically. Tables can be captured into items, images, Word objects or rich text.
Document Loader finds differences in new versions of documents. Loading the new version will update items and their links. Coverage analysis between documents and database items are provided.
Full version management of source documents is provided. Regression to previous versions is supported, with reversal of all changes.
Requirements and other items can be loaded from Word, Excel or other tools using plug-ins, data exchange or direct interfaces.
Coverage, traceability and impact analyses are easily run, then viewed as trees, lists, tables, matrices, or in dynamic Hierarchy Diagrams with user-defined attributes. Items can be filtered, sorted, split and merged. All changes to items can be logged. Users can be alerted to changes by Cradle, email or both.
Users collaborate by adding discussions to items and adding threads to items and adding threads of comments to these discussions.
Once stable, items can be progressed through a series of formal reviews that log comments from all reviewers. You define the workflows. Once in a baseline, items can be subject to formal change control using change request (proposals) and change tasks (actions). You can view the database as it was in any previous baseline.
Multiple generations of requirements can be maintained and compared. Multiple sets of variants can be managed to reflect different products in a common family.
Items can be progressed within their lifecycles. The lifecycle of an item represents the series of stages that it can pass through between being created and reaching a final, rest, condition.
User-defined tree, table and matrix views can be defined from a point-and-click UI to show traceability, coverage and compliance. This includes RTMs, VCRMs and PVMs.
Linking Items
Cradle provides transitive cross referencing, in which it follows chains of multiple links between indirectly linked items, so you can see cross-lifecycle traceability in one step. For example, you can view user requirements to tests, where Cradle transparently follows intermediate links via system requirements, functions, architecture components and so on.
Requirements can be linked to test data, safety and other critical issues, risks or any project data. When used with the Cradle-SYS module, user stories and requirements can be linked to functional, behavioural, UML, analysis, architecture and design models organised into any number of model hierarchies in both analysis and design domains.
Publish Information
All information can be published in user-defined reports and formal documents.
Feature Summary
Feature Summary – REQ
Please contact 3SL for further information about adding a Cradle REQ module to your existing system.
Cradle is an integrated requirements management and systems engineering environment with the features, flexibility and scalability for the full lifecycle of today’s complex agile and phase-based projects.
Overview of Cradle Modules
From concept to creation, from Cradle to grave.
Cradle is unique. It provides the tools and features to create and manage all your data, at all stages in your systems development, and at all levels. By managing all the data in one place, only Cradle can provide traceability across the entire lifecycle in one tool. Without Cradle, you have to assemble many products from many vendors, and you will still not have the full traceability that Cradle can provide.
What does Cradle Provide?
Cradle provides full requirements management, analysis, design, architecture and performance modelling, test, risk and interface management and metrics in one product. You can use all of these facilities, or combine Cradle with tools from other vendors. If you have such tools then Cradle will link to them, extending their scope from a part of the system lifecycle to all of it.
Cradle is multi-user, multi-project, distributed, open and extensible. It links to your existing desktop tools to create a tailored environment to suit your process.
Cradle provides built-in issue, risk and interface management. It supports comparative trade studies and analyses. Cradle provides a built-in configuration management and control system with baselines, version control, change histories and formal change control. It bidirectionally links a WBS and progress reporting to your project planning tool. With these capabilities, Cradle removes the need for you to try to connect risk, CM or change tracking tools to your systems engineering. Cradle provides everything you need, integrated and ready to use.
Access Control and Authentication
Cradle has customisable, hierarchical, access control facilities and integrates with your authentication, access control and security mechanisms including firewalls, LDAP and SSL. Cradle provides user-definable views of project data, tailored to each stakeholder group. With customisable navigation, review and entry tools and tailored web UIs, Cradle shows each user the data that they want to see, in the way that they want to see it.
Cradle Databases
Projects use user-defined, arbitrarily extensible databases, linked to external files, URL resources and data in external repositories. Each database is configuration controlled, with change histories, baselines, versions and variants, managed by configurable change requests and change tasks.
Cradle Access
Cradle supports off-line and remote access from geographically separate groups. Internet and VPN access is provided, with full support for project and company firewalls and DMZs.
It connects dispersed teams together, with tailorable discussions, alerts and e-mail.
Cradle Modules Overview
Cradle is modular, using floating licences to share resources dynamically across the project. The Cradle modules overview is:
Cradle-PDM provides a project infrastructure, from access control and user accounts, through a user-defined schema, phase hierarchy, team hierarchy and access controls to configuration management and open external interfaces.
Cradle-REQ provides requirements management from external source documents to baselined, engineered requirements linked to the rest of the system lifecycle. It allows you to define and manage user stories, validations, test cases, and any other types of information for all of your process.
Cradle-MET provides user-definable metrics to gather and analyse statistics from project data.
Cradle-SYS is a flexible analysis and design modelling environment. It allows any number of models to be built and grouped into model hierarchies in distinct analysis and design domains. Models are fully cross referenced to requirements and all other information. SysML is also supported.
Cradle-DASH provides user-definable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) calculated from live project data in user-defined dashboards shown as tables or dials.
Cradle-PERF provides performance assessment, budget apportionment and data aggregation facilities for design models at any level in a system development.
Cradle-SWE provides code generation and reverse engineering for C, Ada and Pascal, to synchronise design and source code.
Cradle-DOC provides user-defined project document generation and a formal document register of project deliverables.
Cradle-WEBP provides web publishing of project data to static, hyperlinked, websites for external stakeholders.
Cradle-WEBA allows read-only and read-write access to project data through multiple, user-defined, web UIs that are tailored to each stakeholder group. It also provides external access to Cradle items through URLs.
Cradle-RISK provides ability to open and edit items of the mapped item type for risks. Also allows you to create and open risk profile graphs.
Cradle-TEST provides ability to execute test plans and create/edit test information, e.g. test cases, test results and test runs.
Feature Summary
Feature Summary – Overview
Please contact 3SL for further information about adding any of the Cradle modules to your existing system.
Collaborative Model Based Systems Engineering across the Systems Lifecycle
Complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and documentation solution for the entire project lifecycle, fully user-definable and applicable to all agile and phase based processes.
Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data from external sources and version management of source documents
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards
Cradle Enterprise is a complete multi-user solution to manage, trace and document all the data for your agile and phase-based projects.
Capture and Track Information
Capture information from external documents and tools, and track changes in these sources. You can build new sets of requirements, analysis, architecture and design models, tests or verifications, and link them to the source data and to each other. Check the consistency and quality of this information, and prove the integrity of the models and other data with bi-directional coverage and traceability analyses.
Customers’ confidence can be raised with proof that your work satisfies its sources and constraints, and will meet their needs.
Easily track progress with metrics and KPIs and link to your WBS and actual progress to your project planning tools.
Create Databases and Information
Create any number of databases, each with a schema and multiple projects that contain any number of items of any number of user-defined item types. Each item has any number of attributes with up to 1TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools.
All items can be linked with user-defined types of cross reference. The links have attributes to justify, explain or parametise them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses.
External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every item in Cradle is linked to its source in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of all source data to your customers with a range of detailed coverage analyses of their documents.
Items can be linear, hierarchical and in many-to-many relationships. Items can be split, merged and reordered. All information can be shared and reused. Cradle can support product ranges, models, variants and builds, and generate comparative analyses between them as tables, pivot tables and matrices.
Create any number of analysis, logical, process, architecture or design models in SysML, UML, SASD, IDEF, ADARTS and other notations. Optionally group models in hierarchies and link elements of all models to requirements, SBS, issues, test cases and all other information.
Track and View Information
Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Full or partial change logs are readily available.
Control the work with team hierarchies, roles and access controls. Review items with discussions, user-defined workflows and built-in CM with baselines, full version control and formal change management.
You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables and as diagrams.
Generate versions of documents such as a URD, SRD, IRS, SDS and SSDS to match your or your client’s formats with user-defined templates and detailed traceability of which items were published in each document issue.
Manage Projects
Manage your projects with:
Metrics, user-defined calculations of items’ values
Bi-directional links to Project, including user task lists and actual progress reporting
Cradle is open. It supports many import/export formats, has several interface mechanisms to link to other tools, and connects to Microsoft Office components Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.
Cradle is simple to customise and use through point-and-click UIs.
Major Features
The major features are:
Cradle Enterprise Features
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms are:
The characteristics are:
Cradle Enterprise Characteristics
Cradle Enterprise is part of the Cradle product range that includes low cost, single-user tools.
Model Based Systems Engineering across the Systems Lifecycle
Complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and documentation solution for the entire project lifecycle, fully user-definable and applicable to all agile and phase based processes.
Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, models, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data to source and generated documents with complete version management
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards
Cradle-SE Pro is a complete solution to manage, trace and document all the data for your agile and phase-based projects.
Capture and Track Information
Capture information from external documents and tools, and track changes in these sources. You can build new sets of requirements, analysis, architecture and design models, tests or verifications, and link them to the source data and to each other. Check the consistency and quality of this information, and prove the integrity of the models and other data with bi-directional coverage and traceability analyses.
Customers’ confidence can be raised with proof that your work satisfies its sources and constraints, and will meet their needs.
Easily track progress with metrics and KPIs and link to your WBS and actual progress to your project planning tools.
Create Databases and Information
Create any number of databases, each with a schema and multiple projects that contain any number of items of any number of user-defined item types. Each item has any number of attributes with up to 1TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools.
All items can be linked with user-defined types of cross reference. The links have attributes to justify, explain or parametise them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses.
External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every item in Cradle is linked to its source in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of all source data to your customers with a range of detailed coverage analyses of their documents.
Items can be linear, hierarchical and in many-to-many relationships. Items can be split, merged and reordered. All information can be shared and reused. Cradle can support product ranges, models, variants and builds, and generate comparative analyses between them as tables, pivot tables and matrices.
Create any number of analysis, architecture, logical, process or design models using UML, SASD, IDEF, ADARTS, SysML and other notations. Group models in hierarchies and link all elements of all models to requirements, SBS, issues, test cases and all other information.
Track and View Information
Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Full or partial change logs are readily available.
You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables and as diagrams.
Generate versions of documents such as URD, SRD, IRS, SDS and SSDS to match your or your client’s formats with user-defined templates and detailed traceability of which items were published in each document issue.
Manage Projects
Manage your projects with:
Metrics, user-defined calculations of items’ values
Bi-directional links to Project, including user task lists and actual progress reporting
Cradle is open. It supports many import/export formats, has several interface mechanisms to link to other tools, and connects to Microsoft Office components Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.
Cradle is simple to customise and use. You do not need to learn a scripting language or become a programmer to tailor it to your process. After every change to your schema, Cradle will automatically update collections of queries, views and other definitions that make you productive immediately.
Major Features
The major features are:
Cradle-SE Pro Features
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms are:
The characteristics are:
Cradle-SE Pro Characteristics
Cradle-SE Pro is part of the Cradle product range. The full, multi-user, product is Cradle Enterprise.
Model Based Systems Engineering across the Systems Lifecycle
Complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) solution for the entire project lifecycle, fully user-definable and applicable to all agile and phase based processes.
Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, models, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data from external sources and version management of source documents
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards
Cradle-SE Desktop is a complete solution to manage and trace all the data for your agile and phase-based projects.
Capture and Track Information
Capture information from external documents and tools, and track changes in these sources. You can build new sets of requirements, analysis, architecture and design models, tests or verifications, and link them to the source data and to each other. Check the consistency and quality of this information, and prove the integrity of the models and other data with bi-directional coverage and traceability analyses.
Customers’ confidence can be raised with proof that your work satisfies its sources and constraints, and will meet their needs.
Easily track progress with metrics and KPIs and link to your WBS and actual progress to your project planning tools.
Create Databases and Information
Create any number of databases, each with a schema and multiple projects that contain any number of items of any number of user-defined item types. Each item has any number of attributes with up to 1TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools.
All items can be linked with user-defined types of cross reference. The links have attributes to justify, explain or parametise them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses.
External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every item in Cradle is linked to its source in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of all source data to your customers with a range of detailed coverage analyses of their documents.
Items can be linear, hierarchical and in many-to-many relationships. Items can be split, merged and reordered. All information can be shared and reused. Cradle can support product ranges, models, variants and builds, and generate comparative analyses between them as tables, pivot tables and matrices.
Create any number of analysis, process, architecture and design models using UML, SASD, IDEF, ADARTS, SysML and other notations. Group models in hierarchies and link all elements of all models to requirements, SBS, issues, test cases and all other information.
Track and View Information
Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Full or partial change logs are readily available.
You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables and as diagrams.
Manage Projects
Manage your projects with:
Metrics, user-defined calculations of items’ values
Bi-directional links to Project, including user task lists and actual progress reporting
Cradle is open. It supports many import/export formats, has several interface mechanisms to link to other tools, and connects to Microsoft Office components Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.
Cradle is simple to customise and use. You do not need to learn a scripting language or become a programmer to tailor it to your process. After every change to your schema, Cradle will automatically update collections of queries, views and other definitions that make you productive immediately.
Major Features
The major features are:
Cradle-SE Desktop Features
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms are:
The characteristics are:
Cradle-SE Desktop Characteristics
Cradle-SE Desktop is part of the Cradle product range. The full, multi-user, product is Cradle Enterprise.
Requirements Management across the Systems Lifecycle
Complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Requirements Management (RM) and documentation solution for the entire project lifecycle, fully user-definable and applicable to all agile and phase based processes.
Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data to source and generated documents with complete version management
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards
Cradle-RM Pro is a complete solution to manage, trace and document all the data for your agile and phase-based projects.
Capture and Track Information
Capture information from external documents and tools, and track changes in these sources. You can build new sets of requirements, functions, components, interfaces, tests or verifications, and link them to the source data and to each other. Check the quality and structure of this information, and prove the integrity of information with bi-directional coverage and traceability analyses.
Customers’ confidence can be raised with proof that your work satisfies its sources and constraints, and will meet their needs.
Easily track progress with metrics and KPIs and link to your WBS and actual progress to your project planning tools.
Create Databases and Information
Create any number of databases, each with a schema and multiple projects that contain any number of items of any number of user-defined item types. Each item has any number of attributes with up to 1TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools.
All items can be linked with user-defined types of cross reference. The links have attributes to justify, explain or parametise them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses.
External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every item in Cradle is linked to its source in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of all source data to your customers with a range of detailed coverage analyses of their documents.
Items can be linear, hierarchical and in many-to-many relationships. Items can be split, merged and reordered. All information can be shared and reused. Cradle can support product ranges, models, variants and builds, and generate comparative analyses between them as tables, pivot tables and matrices.
Track and View Information
Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Full or partial change logs are readily available.
You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables and as diagrams.
Generate versions of documents such as a URD, SRD, IRS, SDS and SSDS to match your or your client’s formats with user-defined templates and detailed traceability of which items were published in each document issue.
Manage Projects
Manage your projects with:
Metrics, user-defined calculations of items’ values
Bi-directional links to Project, including user task lists and actual progress reporting
Cradle is open. It supports many import/export formats, has several interface mechanisms to link to other tools, and connects to Microsoft Office components Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.
Cradle is simple to customise and use. You do not need to learn a scripting language or become a programmer to tailor it to your process. After every change to your schema, Cradle will automatically update collections of queries, views and other definitions that make you productive immediately.
Major Features
The major features are:
Cradle-RM Pro Features
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms are:
The characteristics are:
Cradle-RM Pro Characteristics
Cradle-RM Pro is part of the Cradle product range. The full, multi-user, product is Cradle Enterprise.
Requirements Management across the Systems Lifecycle
Complete Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Requirements Management (RM) solution for the entire project lifecycle, fully user-definable and applicable to all agile and phase based processes.
Supports the full systems development lifecycle at system, subsystem and lower levels
Integrates in one product features normally spread across separate tools from different vendors
Completely user-definable and user-extensible with point-and-click UIs
Manage any information, including requirements, risks, interfaces, tests and verifications
Scalable to millions of items of information
Full traceability of data from external sources and version management of source documents
Full traceability and coverage analyses
User-definable views of data including tables, trees, documents, matrices, diagrams and graphs
User-defined metrics and management dashboards
Cradle-RM Desktop is a complete solution to manage and trace all the data for your agile and phase-based projects.
Capture and Track Information
Capture information from external documents and tools, and track changes in these sources. You can build new sets of requirements, functions, components, interfaces, tests or verifications, and link them to the source data and to each other. Check the quality and structure of this information, and prove the integrity of information with bi-directional coverage and traceability analyses.
Customers’ confidence can be raised with proof that your work satisfies its sources and constraints, and will meet their needs.
Easily track progress with metrics and KPIs and link to your WBS and actual progress to your project planning tools.
Create Databases and Information
Create any number of databases, each with a schema and multiple projects that contain any number of items of any number of user-defined item types. Each item has any number of attributes with up to 1TByte of data, held in Cradle, or referenced in files, URLs or other tools.
All items can be linked with user-defined types of cross reference. The links have attributes to justify, explain or parametise them. Links are direct and indirect, for full lifecycle traceability, impact and coverage analyses.
External documents can be loaded into hierarchies of items. Every item in Cradle is linked to its source in a document. Changes in new document versions are automatically found and the database updated. You can prove the integrity of all source data to your customers with a range of detailed coverage analyses of their documents.
Items can be linear, hierarchical and in many-to-many relationships. Items can be split, merged and reordered. All information can be shared and reused. Cradle can support product ranges, models, variants and builds, and generate comparative analyses between them as tables, pivot tables and matrices.
Track and View Information
Cradle tracks all edits to every requirement, test case, verification and all other information that you want it to hold. Edits can be reversed selectively or by group. Full or partial change logs are readily available.
You define how information is viewed and reported in any number of views, shown as nested tables, trees, matrices, pivot tables and as diagrams.
Manage Projects
Manage your projects with:
Metrics, user-defined calculations of items’ values
Bi-directional links to Project, including user task lists and actual progress reporting
Cradle is open. It supports many import/export formats, has several interface mechanisms to link to other tools, and connects to Microsoft Office components Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio and Project.
Cradle is simple to customise and use. You do not need to learn a scripting language or become a programmer to tailor it to your process. After every change to your schema, Cradle will automatically update collections of queries, views and other definitions that make you productive immediately.
Major Features
The major features are:
Supported Platforms
The supported platforms are:
The characteristics are:
Cradle RM Desktop Characteristics
Cradle-RM Desktop is part of the Cradle product range. The full, multi-user, product is Cradle Enterprise.