Heading to Spring
As we head into Spring, most of us are keen to leave behind the horrible weather that came with the Beast from the East. Some of the worst UK snow seen in years. We’re happy to say that Barrow-in-Furness saw

little impact and the support team were able to maintain full levels of service. We hope your businesses were not too badly affected and that you are all heading back to normality. The question this raises is why are we so bad at coping with a bit of snow here in the UK? The main problem seems to be that we’re not used to it. It is not a ‘steady state‘ in parts of the world where winter = snow and ice for a set period, the infrastructure is set up to cope. Cars have winter tyres or snow chains, heated highways or rails keep cars and trains running, or there is value return on investing in ploughs and gritters. The changing requirements of British weather conditions would need you to put the snow chains on and take them off on a daily or even town by town basis. These changing requirements make managing the situation really difficult. The same logic applies to projects, stable requirements make for a simpler solution. If your requirements are more like British weather, there is even more need to have a formalised approach to managing them. Making sure you can track the changes and your reactions to them becomes imperative. Don’t end up wearing wellies in the summer and flip-flops in the snow, get you requirements under control in Cradle and encourage your suppliers to do the same.

We can assure you that we don’t randomly buy email addresses and send spam adverts. We collate our communication list from curated information from you, our customers and prospects. People and companies who have contacted us about RM / MBSE / Cradle or 3SL. We maintain these dialogues as a legitimate business interest. We have made, and will continue to make, it easy for individuals to ask for their contact details preferences to be changed. We look forward to staying in touch with you all. If you have any GDPR comments you’d like to feature contact us at social-GDPR@threesl.com
Social Media

We were a little disappointed at the #SuperBlueBloodMoon over Barrow. We were amazed at the accuracy of NASA’s clocks… ..But appalled at the failure rate of projects.
Hints of the Month
Last month’s blog articles included: We answered a question about producing a Hierarchy Diagram (HID) for viewing in Web Access. The different ways you can store data in Cradle’s frames a how and why guide. We also looked at how to control access to data parts in an item. You can read Hints & Tips in the 3SL Blog