What is Reverse and Rewind?
You can rewind edit histories so you can restore an item back to a state before a particular change or you can reverse a single edit in an item’s change history. This doesnt mean the feature will delete a previous change that has been made but it does mean it will add a further entry returning the the value to a previous state.

Reversing an edit is an exact undo operation. It reverses the change to every attribute that was modified by the selected edit. Note that creation/deletions of xrefs cant be reversed.
For further information on reversing an edit please refer to the Reverse
Change History section of our online help.
The Rewind operation essentially reverses all edits working backwards from the most recent back to (and including) the selected edit. Its end result is to restore the item to the state that it was in before the selected edit occurred.
For further information on rewinding edit histories please refer to the Rewind Change History section of our online help.
Further Change History will be generated to show what changes were either reversed or rewound. The example below has seven change history entries. For simplicity each only modified one attribute of the item. Selecting the third entry and then either reverse or rewind will produce the two illustrated results.

We hope we have covered all the information that is needed to help you on your way to understanding reverse/rewind. Any more help can be found on our help page.