Introduction Course 22nd-23rd July 2025
The second scheduled introduction course of 2025. Overview of the many capabilities in Cradle including best practices, demonstrating the Cradle tool and its features – Introduction July 2025 course.
“A great opportunity for new users to familiarise themselves with Cradle”

Businesses that have chosen Cradle can benefit from this general Cradle overview and how to apply Cradle to their projects.
Introduction Course 22nd to 23rd July 2025
“The Introduction course is designed for both new users or users requiring a refresher course.”
The Cradle Introduction Course helps you to understand the benefits of Cradle and see examples of where Cradle is used. We provide explanations of the various Cradle modules as well as providing the basic concepts of Cradle, including items, cross references and the Cradle schema. There is a tutor led example of some of the WorkBench features and the Toolsuite tools.
Please note this course is provided through demonstration only, there are no “hands-on” exercises.
Date | Subject | Venue | Cost | Pre-Requisites | Provision |
July 22nd – 23rd 2025 | Introduction | Online learning tutored course. 2 * ½ days. | £325+VAT | PC/Laptop – internet browser & Cradle installed ** | Soft copy course materials, and printed certificate |
If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for this Training Course – Introduction July 22nd to 23rd 2025 please send an email to
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All courses are available for direct purchase online. Buy Now!
Courses are offered by Structured Software Systems Limited (3SL) (address below)
All courses are subject to the terms, conditions and details given below and any noted pre-requisites / conditions for each individual course and general terms and conditions of 3SL here.
3SL will do their best to accommodate any access or learning needs delegates may have. However, we do ask that you make these known to 3SL at least a fortnight before the course date so we can work with you to meet your requirements.
College House
Howard Street
LA14 1NB
Tel: +44 (0) 1229 838867
Registered in England: 2153654, registered office: as above
** Details of General Pre-requisites
By default, all public training will be presented using a connection to 3SLs shared SaaS so no installations are necessary. All that is required to allow access to our server is:
- Attendee name
- Your IP address you will be connecting from
- Remote desktop connection (open/connect via RDP file)
If you prefer to install Cradle at your premises and not use the SaaS option, the pre-requisites are:
- Recommended browser Chrome.
- A mini opener application may need to be installed when launching GoToMeeting from LogMeIn Inc.