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We are curious to know what people think of using force directed graphs as a way to display the relationships between items in Hierarchy Diagrams (HIDs).
At the moment, HIDs are drawn using a fixed algorithm, in which you can control:
The orientation (vertical or horizontal)
If the HID will pivot (change orientation) and if so, the level at which it pivots.
Force directed graphs are an alternative way to arrange the same boxes (items) and lines (cross references) in a HID.
What do you think?
We are pleased to announce that the following platforms will be supported by Cradle-7.1:
– Linux. Any variant with a version 2.6.32 or later kernel
– Windows: – Windows 7 (SP1, 32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows Server 2008 (SP2, 32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1, 32-bit and 64-bit) – Windows Server 2012 (64-bit) – Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
– Office: – 2007 (SP3, 32-bit) – 2010 (SP2, 32-bit and 64-bit) – 2013 (SP1, 32-bit and 64-bit) – 2016 (32-bit and 64-bit) – Office 365
The changes from Cradle-7.0 are that we have dropped support for Windows Vista and added support for Windows 10, Office 365 and Office 2016. In fact, Cradle-7.0 already runs on Windows 10 and Office 365, but they were not officially supporting by Cradle-7.0. The Cradle-7.1 release adds formal support for these products, and introduces support for Office 2016.
We hope that this is helpful as you plan your migration to Cradle-7.1 and as you consider how Cradle’s platform support fits into the overall Linux/Windows/Office strategy in your organisation.
We are pleased to advise that we will soon be releasing our SysML extension to Cradle as part of the Cradle-7.1 release in the next couple of months.
This will be unique in the world of SysML, and we encourage you to investigate what we can offer.
SysML is the UML ‘dialect’ for systems engineering. It has many capabilities. It is, fundamentally, just another modelling notation through which MBSE (model based systems engineering) can be conducted. In that sense, it is nothing new. There have been many other notations in the past, all of which permitted MBSE.
What is different now is that by integrating the latest SysML notation into Cradle’s unique ability to support the entire lifecycle in a single tool, with a single database, we can offer MBSE using the latest notation with complete traceability from requirements and into test management, defect tracking, release, maintenance and ultimate system disposal.
This is unique! We are very excited about it!
We hope that you will join us in the new opportunities that Cradle-7.1 will provide!
We will announce details of the Beta programme very soon, and hope that you can be a part of it!
Cross references are links between items in the database. They are how you show that an item is dependent on another item in some way. For example, one item may satisfy another item, or an item may be a decomposition (a child) of another item.
How are Cross References created?
Drag and Drop
You can select a group of items in a tree and then drag and drop them onto another item. Cross references will be created from the item that you dragged onto, to the items that you dragged.
You can select an item and choose Make Link From and then select another item and choose Make Link To. A cross reference is created between the items. This is available from the right click popup menus, and Item menus, and has the advantage that it can be used anywhere:
Selecting items in a tree
Selecting items in a table
For an item in a form
Selecting an item in a matrix
So it has the advantage that you do not need to have both items open in trees.
You can display the Link Details dialog that shows the details of a cross reference, including the user-defined attributes inside it. You can manually enter ‘from’ and ‘to’ Identities into the dialog and select Save to create cross references. This is sometimes the fastest way to create a set of cross references.
Link details dialog
Of course, you can also import cross references from other tools, from Word tables and Excel spreadsheets. Cross references will also be created automatically when you import from source documents.
We are pleased to announce that we have been re-accredited under the UK Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme. This assures a certain level of security of 3SL’s systems, particularly those facing the raw Internet.
For more details, see here: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/cyberessentials/overview.
We are pleased to announce that another update to our new website has gone live!
This update incldues access to the full help system shipped with all Cradle products. So now you can access all of the Cradle product help directly through our website!
As we all know viruses are a sad reality of today’s world. Just like their biological cousins they cause havoc as they move and infect their hosts.
The never ending war against them is fought by many corporations with their anti-virus software. We should all try and ensure our machines are inoculated with the latest databases. We ourselves protect all our machines, and monitor the content of incoming emails (see Related Articles)
False Positives
While most businesses agree a false positive is better than a missed virus, it can cause significant impact for the customer and the vendor.
We have noticed some issue with another false positive from anti-virus software from Symantec. We therefore try to pre-register all of the Cradle executables with anti-virus (AV) software providers. This will ensure that you have no problems installing the Cradle suite.
Registration Mitigation and Issue Notification
We currently white-list register with AVG†, McAfee†, Kaspersky† and Avast† and notify Symantec† of any problems. This should lead to trouble free installation for all our customers.
†No endorsement or guarantee is implied or given by these third party vendors.
It would assist 3SL if you have any flavour of AV software that incorrectly highlights Cradle components as problematic.