Public Online Training Course – Document Publisher June 2020

Document Publisher 17th-18th June 2020

3SL are pleased to announce the dates for this year’s second training course – Document Publisher June 2020  “Once you have managed your requirements and development, producing a comprehensive report automatically based directly on the project data, provides an essential deliverable”

Public Online Trainig Course
Online Course

Businesses that have Cradle for their Requirements Management or Systems Engineering process can benefit from additional Cradle tools.

Document Publisher is a Windows® bases publishing tool that allows professional documentation to be produced directly from the data within you project’s database.   Fully understanding how to configure templates and data manipulation will offer the best output for you to provide to your stakeholders and customers, regulators and other interested parties.

Public Document Publisher Course June 2020

Often the document production task is run by an individual or a very small team. This public online course will offer a cost effective way of providing training. You’ll benefit from all the normal learning, but will have the chance to network and share with other virtual attendees from other industries. However if you have a larger team courses can be tailored and held at your premises or online at a date and time to suit  See here.


17th-18th June 2020Document PublisherOnline learning tutored course.£475+VATPC/Laptop – internet browser & Cradle installed **Soft copy course materials, and printed certificate

If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for this Training Course – Document Publisher June 2020, please send an email to


Buy Now

All courses are available for direct purchase online.

Other Dates and Courses:

For details of other courses on offer this year please see our training calendar. Continue reading “Public Online Training Course – Document Publisher June 2020”

VE Day 75 – May 2020

8 May Victory in Europe Day

VE Day 75 logoThis day celebrates the formal acceptance, by the World War II Allies,  of Nazi Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces in, 1945.

2020 marks the 75th year since this historic agreement was reached, ending years of battle of an unprecedented  scale. However, it was a further three months before fighting ceased in Japan.

There are many fewer people these days with personal memories of the conflict and the final resolution. These special days help us remember the sacrifices made by so many on behalf of the countries for which they fought. Hopefully we learn from the problems of the past and use it to guide us to a peaceful future.

Today VE Day 2020 – 75 Years

Today, of course, we have a different solider, the care worker, battling a different kind of enemy. So please make your celebrations of VE day known, but do so safely #StayHomeSaveLives. In memory of all those who, fought and died 3SL salutes you.

Celebration Timetable (UK)

There are many ways to celebrate  and a number of websites with details.

Scone based on john-tecuceanu-UdHh5w-1a44-unsplashWhether you intend to mark respect with silence. Hold a tea party at home in place of the street party that should have been, or clear your throat to sing “We’ll meet again”. Here is the UK timetable.

11am: A two-minute silence  to honour the service and sacrifice of the wartime generation and reflect on the impact of coronavirus across the world.

11.15am –

3pm: National toast to the heroes of World War Two.

3.45pm – BBC Two: Scotland’s VE Day:

7pm – BBC One: A one hour special of the One Show dedicated to VE Day.

8pm – BBC One: Musical celebration.

8.30pm – ITV1: Documentary Captain Tom’s War

9pm – BBC One: Address by the Queen, broadcast at the same time her father, King George VI, gave a his radio address on May 8, 1945.

9.10pm – BBC One: Nation is invited to join a rendition of Vera Lynn’s “We’ll Meet Again“.


What is Earth Day 2020?

An Earth Day Like No Other

Based on 3SL logo and Photo by ATC Comm Photo from PexelsIt’s 50 years since the launch of Earth Day, and now nearly 200 countries coordinate a celebration of our fabulous home, with an important message that we need to look after it.

We may be the current custodians of this planet, but we share it with many. To them and ourselves, we have a duty of care. This year more than ever has demonstrated our own fragility. It’s demonstrated how we’re maybe not as invincible as we like to believe. Nature can be a strange beast. Whilst we may not be able to control nature, we can do our bit to care for what we have and ensure we don’t damage it.

As designers,  manufacturers and producers we need to consider how and whether what we engineer is beneficial and as non damaging to the environment as possible.

Whether you decide to; pick up that bit of litter on your exercise walk; choose a lower carbon or no meat meal; print double sided paper; leave the light off and the curtains open longer we can all make a difference. If the project you are working on uses resources, make sure you build environment requirements into your design. Make sure they assess and where possible lower the impact of the solution you choose.


Tutor Font – Lip-Flaoor

A Tutor’s New Best Friend

Lip-Flaoor keyboard font
Tutor using Lip-Flaoor on Keyboard

Whilst during lock-down,  it is not the most opportune time to be thinking about face to face training, we were interested to spot this little training aid. It should make classrooms and training seminars a lot easier for the tutor and teacher.


Cradle on a computer based on image

When a teacher or tutor approaches a student, they are often faced with their keyboard and screen upside down. This makes it very difficult to type and aid the student. However, with the release of the new open-source font Lip-Flaoor, the tutor is  able to use the keyboard as if it is the right way round and the right characters will appear to the student. It is available from most good font factories.


  • ✅The font face looks very like Arial on the screen, so if perfectly readable.
  • ✅The student does not have to type any differently as they do not hold the <ctrl> key, so their experience is no different.
  • ✅If the tutor can type well, the dual mapping works wonderfully, they say it is like using any standard QWERY layout the right way up.
  • ❌The tutor, if not a competent typist may struggle as their fingers may not hit the “right” keys
  • ❌The need to hold the <ctrl> key while typing to enable the switch can be a bit awkward.

National Pencil Day

National Pencil Day March 30th

The humble mark of a human. We’ve moved a long way from chipping runes in stones, scratching Roman wax tablets, one significant find was that of a special form of carbon. Borrowdale is well known for its beautiful scenery and scrummy tea bread especially served with cheese. However, in around 1565 a ‘lead like’ substance was discovered that could be used to make a clean defined mark. This was ultimately the birth of the pencil, and an industry in Keswick. If you visit there really is a museum for all things pencil.

Random Pencils
Surprising how many pencils are in my desk tidy

Pencil day seeks to reconnect us with the humble pencil. The tool used by artists, designers and writers for hundreds of years. Why not take a picture of the chewed, blunt, or exquisite drawing tools and post them (#PencilDay).

Whilst we would definitely advocate Cradle as a preferred design tool, allowing cross references and traceability, not something you get on paper**. The humble sketch is still a goto design tool. And we should remember that.

Take a 5 minute coffee break; Sketch what your product does or your company makes, with a pencil and paper and then post it! (#PencilDay).

Pencil sketch of what Cradle does
Cradle Operations

We found some handy suggestions of other ways to celebrate here at  Go on, celebrate pencil day and sketch away!

**Updating manual cross references between your sketches and text is possible with pencil and eraser, but easier if the database looks after it!

March 2020 Newsletter

The World has Turned Upside Down!

globe in petri dish based on images from Anna Shvets & Polina Zimmerman on
World Virus

This undoubtedly, is one of the craziest peace times we have lived through. Our hearts and thoughts go out to any families who are affected by the terrible Covid-19 infection. A great big shout-out, to the healthcare professionals and critical service workers who are doing their best to keep our countries running. #WeAreInThisTogether

A Letter from our Managing Director

As the pace of the Coronavirus quickens and presents challenges to the way we work and deal with everyday situations, we wanted to reassure you that we are taking the safety and well-being of our customers and employees very seriously. We’re monitoring the situation to ensure we can continue to provide the level of support and service you need. Following government guidelines, we have taken the decision to modify our ways of working. This means a number of our employees will be transitioning to working from home where appropriate. Therefore as a temporary measure, we would prefer you to contact us via email. For support queries email For sales queries contact We wish all our customers and suppliers well, and hope you are all able to cope with the current situation.

Kind regards

Mark Walker (MD) and the 3SL team


Public Online Trainig CourseMany companies have found that a tailored training course can help drive the most beneficial implementation of Cradle in their organisation. However, we are aware that sometimes this is not suitable. When you only have a couple of new people joining the team, a very small team, or you’d just like to get up to speed for an extended evaluation, a customer on-site course may be difficult to justify.

3SL are pleased to announce that they will be holding a number of public training courses. These will be tutor led and either online or in a common venue. There will be candidates from all companies wishing to take part. The first course is Requirements Management and is an online course in May, so can be followed at home during lock-down as long as you have an internet connection, a browser and Cradle. Your tutor will lead you through the course requirements, provide  exercises for completion and be available through the two days to answer questions and give guidance.


Hardie Polymers tweet March 2020
Where is Wear?

We looked at where wear might be! With this tweet from Hardie Polymers.

We reminded our readers how they can re-create Microsoft® Word cross references in Cradle.

And wondered if M C Escher had been at work with some stair design.

…and Finally.

circus tent - based on photo

Last month 3SL supported Circus Starr “The Circus with a Purpose” Founded in 1987 it is a touring circus that boasts world-class, professional artists from around the globe. It provides free seats for thousands of disadvantaged, disabled or vulnerable children, and helps raise much needed funds for local charities. It’s nice to put a smile onto someone’s face.

Cradle Public Training Courses 2020

Training Course Dates for 2020

3SL are offering a number of Cradle public training courses in 2020.

Meeting Room based on image from Christina Morillo ·

These are subject to change and additional courses may be added as required. Booking will become available through the website shop for  credit/debit card transactions prior to each course. For purchase orders and transfer payments please contact 3SL.


20th-21st May 2020Requirements ManagementOnline learning tutored course.£475+VATrequirements-management-may-2020
17th-18th June 2020Document PublisherOnline learning tutored course.£475+VATdocument-publisher-june-2020
21st-22nd October 2020Requirements ManagementOnline learning tutored course£475+VATrequirements-management-october-2020
11th-12th November 2020Document PublisherOnline learning tutored course£475+VATdocument-publisher-november-2020

If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for Cradle public training courses 2020, please send an email to

Buy Now

All courses are available for direct purchase online. Continue reading “Cradle Public Training Courses 2020”

Public Online Training Course – Requirements Management May 2020

Requirements Management 20th – 21st May 2020

3SL are pleased to announce the dates for this year’s first training course – Requirements Management May 2020

“A great opportunity for small teams, or a couple of new team members to get started with RM and Cradle”

Public Online Trainig Course
Online Course

Businesses that are introducing Cradle and full Requirements Management processes into their operations, can book training for all aspects of the roll-out, from the basics through to specialist administration courses – See here.  These courses are tailored and held at your premises and are ideal for getting a team up and running.

Public Requirements Management Training Course May 2020

If, however, you have one or two people new to a project or only have a very small team, this may not be a viable solution. With 3SL’s public online courses, you’ll benefit from all the normal learning, but will have the chance to network and share with other virtual attendees from other industries. This can be a cost effective solution to get you up to speed with Cradle and Requirements Management.


20th-21st May 2020Requirements ManagementOnline learning tutored course.£475+VATPC/Laptop – internet browser & Cradle installed **Soft copy course materials, and printed certificate

If you would like to be kept in touch with the details for this Training Course – Requirements Management May 2020, please send an email to

Buy Now

All courses are available for direct purchase online.

Other Dates and Courses:

For details of other courses on offer this year please see our training calendar.

Continue reading “Public Online Training Course – Requirements Management May 2020”

Valentine’s Discount 2020

Valentine’s Discount

Love Engineering,  Love Requirements Management, Love Cradle!

3SL Heart based on Photo by SHAHBAZ AKRAM from Pexels
Love Cradle

Cradle is THE tool for massively scalable Requirements Engineering, combined  with Model Based Systems Engineering capabilities (MBSE).  From your first requirements, through design to delivery and beyond!

Cradle Enterprise allows you to share the love of engineering with collaboration from the whole team. Licence components are tailored to your team needs.

If you work independently you can still share in the love of good Requirements Management discipline with a number of pre packaged Single User versions.

You can own and install it yourself or opt for SaaS hosting. From the initial inception of your project through the elicitation, analysis, design, testing and documentation phases of your project, Cradle is there to support you. With this great offer we’re giving you even better value, or  allowing you to share the love with a charity – see ‘Enterprise licences’.

Go on, share the love, share this page’s URL and let other people know using the hash-tags #ValentinesDay2020 and  #LoveEngineering  #Cradle

Single User Product Discount

five pound notes
Five Pound Notes

Use the special Valentine’s discount voucher code to get £50** off any single user product. If you’re not already on the latest version of Cradle, we’d love you to upgrade using this year’s Valentine offer.

All you need to do is enter the £50** discount voucher code in the “Discount Code” field at the bottom of the shop checkout page during the Valentine’s week deal.

Enterprise Licences

We will offer £50** off EACH licence purchased during the offer period. For SaaS the discount will be taken off the per-user fee***. This may be taken as a lovely discount from your invoice or you can show some love and nominate a registered charity of your choice and 3SL will make an equivalent donation. If you find your project is expanding and you add a single REQ licence for another engineer you can claim one £50** Valentine’s discount / donation. If you are buying a new set of licences for a project say 5-REQ, 2-SYS and 1-MET that’s a total of 8*£50 = £400 off the licence cost, or a lovely donation to a charity of your choice.

Enter your code NOW!

Lefthand starsLoveRM2020Righthand stars

(*) Terms and Conditions

Continue reading “Valentine’s Discount 2020”

February 2020 Newsletter

Woob-woob-woob, Aaaharrha! – Aaaharrha!, Ding-Ding, waaaaAAAHAAaaaa

Siren horn based on Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Trying to find an onomatopoeic word for a siren, is a bit tricky (as you will see from our efforts above!). WarningWarning! you have an extra day in February this year. Just in case you’d not realised the divisible by 4 but not 100, unless 400, means 2020 will have 29 days this February.  Now that you have been Alerted to that fact, we can use this as the most convoluted (so far this year) seg-way to  remind you about Cradle’s Alert feature.

Unread alert dialog Photo
Alerts Dialog

There are no bells, whistles or sirens, and the most likely way you’ll know you have one is a reminder when you log into WorkBench. The tool bar across the top will show the number of new alerts you have. Alerts can be raised for all manner of things, from the Project Schema changing, to a new item being created or items being linked to items you own. You can see, read, clear them from the Alerts dialog. You can even send new ones directly to other users, “Gwendolyn – have you finished that review yet please?”. You can have Cradle create email alerts,  sent directly to a user’s in-box.  In summary, they are a useful tool to keep you up to speed with what’s going on in Cradle. More in depth information can be found in this post, or in the help. There are also a setting to control their accumulation.

Love is in the Air

3SL Heart based on Photo by SHAHBAZ AKRAM from Pexels
Love Cradle

Need more Cradle licences for a bigger project? Not upgraded your single user product to Cradle 7.5?  We want to share the love of Engineering, Requirements Management and our favourite topic Cradle. Take a look at this special Valentine’s 2020 discount offer.

Social Media


Alstom tweet Jan 2020
H2 – Future Fuel Tweet

We noted that the most basic element is starting to attract a lot of interest, with @Alstom‘s tweet.

We mourned the loss of #Windows7, and wondered whether users would turn to  Windows 10 or Linux

And Finally

February the 27th marks World NGO Day a chance to remember that not everything is run by governments, or businesses, that charities, organisations and collaborative groups are equally important in a harmonious world. So have a think how you can support an NGO of your choice, let others know too #WorldNGODay. To those that are keeping the wheels of society silently ticking – we salute you.