October – The ‘8th’ month of the year….

Octo is 8 after all, from Latin octo, Greek okto. In Romulus’s calendar, when the year started in March, it was the 8th month. However, given they only had 10 months, they also had around 50 days of ‘winter’ that didn’t really have a name. For a time we then ended up with 13 months, but in the final Julian system, only January and February remained inserted at the beginning of the year. Roman emperors were honoured by renaming a couple of months and we are where we are today.
“OK, what’s the point”, we hear you cry. It’s that nothing is really stable, something currently taken for granted (months of the year) has a long complex history. So do many projects. They start off in one direction with one set of assumptions, constraints and regulations and then……BANG! A change is dropped on your desk which changes the original assumptions, impacts the design, has repercussions for tests and so on.
Taking a baseline when things are relatively stable is a good way to record the status-quo in your project at any one time. Lock down things as they stand so you have a stable footing against which to document and measure change. Check at what point Mercedonius (month of wages) was retired. Use formal Change Requests and Change Tasks to record why an alteration is needed. (Because Julius said reform, because Augustus needs to be honoured). Use the trace facilities of cross references and suspect integrity highlighting, in Cradle, to see what impact a change in the chain will have.
New Customers
Welcome to all our new customer’s this quarter. Especially Public Health England who have recently selected Cradle for a major operational plan.
Cradle® has been selected by Public Health England (PHE) to manage the definition and fulfilment of requirements for its Science Hub programme. This £400 million project will design and build a world class national public health science hub and headquarters in Harlow that will bring together personnel from PHE’s Porton, Colindale and central London sites. The PHE Harlow site is scheduled to be fully operational in 2024.
Cradle is a requirements management, enterprise architecture and systems engineering tool that integrates the entire lifecycle of development, organisational and infrastructure projects that use agile or phase-based methods. Cradle is an ideal solution for procurement projects for ITT generation, bid assessment and contract management, by providing traceability between a managed, configuration-controlled multi-user database and all external source and published documents.
Mark Walker, Director of 3SL said:
“We are delighted that PHE has chosen Cradle for this important infrastructure and reorganisation programme. We welcome the opportunity for a long-term partnership with PHE and confident that Cradle will make a significant contribution to the successful realisation of the new PHE Harlow site.”
If you would like to feature your company in the 3SL newsletter, please drop us a line at social-customer@threesl.com
Cradle 7.3.1
If you want the extra facilities or small bug fixes in Cradle 7.3.1, you can download it from the website and install new clients and server across your organisation. There is no need to obtain an additional security code for this point release upgrade. Those on single user versions of Cradle 7.3 can also take advantage of the upgrade. If you have any problems please email or call the Support Department support@threesl.com +44 1229 838867 or contact your local distributor.
Banking Changes

There are some changes afoot for those that deal with 3SL financially.
As we mentioned last month, if you do business with 3SL you may need to update some of the banking details. We’ll keep you posted here.
Social Media

We had some good suggestions last month when we asked (@MadeinBritainGB) how we should celebrate our upcoming 30th birthday, here at 3SL towers. If you have any other ideas, if you have celebrated a company anniversary, either DM or ‘Reply‘ to the above tweet, or email social-customer@threesl.com
Hints of the Month
Have a width and a length, the area is easy, but why not just get Cradle to work it out for you? Short video on setting up calculations.
“Oops didn’t mean to delete that!” Here’s how to recover items.
A ‘Subject Item‘, what it is and how to publish it in Document Publisher.
You can read Hints & Tips in the 3SL Blog.