November 2018 Newsletter

Remember, Remember

static firework

There’s quite a bit to remember this month whether it’s the  failed plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament, or the war fallen.

“Remember, remember, the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot!” Might be a good way to cement a date in your mind we humans tend to like rhymes, songs, and mnemonics to help our brains ‘visualise’ an otherwise abstract date or fact. However, trying to remember what’s needed and when on a large project is really quite difficult. Especially when dates are not fixed.

query on a date in a category with relative offset
Relative Date Query

Cradle offers a number of ways you can track your project one of which is querying on relative dates.

For example an item representing a ‘test’ that needs to be run could be set with a category of type date. You could then query on ‘tests‘ that are due to occur (or should have occurred) before the end of next week. It is also possible to query on a range, say beginning of this month and end of next week.

For work breakdown items there are some built-in ranges which can be accessed on the Progress tab of query. This gives a planning view of where your project stands.

The Fallen


3SL join with our customers, friends and suppliers, on this armistice day,  to take a moment to remember those who have fallen fighting for their countries. There is a special poignance this year, the 100th anniversary since the signing of the armistice treaty between first world war allies and Central Powers.

Cradle Subscriptions

Cradle Software As A Service
Cradle SAAS subscription product

Last month saw the launch of an addition to the Cradle family.

Cradle Subscriptions option is a SaaS (Software as a Service) product that provides access to 3SL’s requirements management and systems engineering tool Cradle using remote servers.  This means there is no need to install software on your own company systems.


There are a number of bundles covering the most frequently requested configurations of Cradle. The choices reflect whether you are performing both Systems Engineering and RM, or just Requirements Management.

There are also different hosting options depending on the size/loads and locations of the servers. Choose between shared 3SL hosted or dedicated cloud environments. For further information see the product announcement.

Mini Poll

Please answer our Mini Poll, whether you prefer the:ownership, control and flexibility of software purchase,

    • simplified, outsourced benefits of a managed service.
    • don’t really mind, I just use it
    • there’s room for both…..


We’re at the INCOSE EMEASEC 2018 conference in Berlin Nov 05, 2018 – Nov 08, 2018. Come and say ‘Hello’ to us at booth 20.

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British Engineering

We love keeping an eye on what’s new in the field of engineering. The brought British engineering into the spotlight

Widget of the Week

We won Howden Power’s #WidgetOfTheWeek with our hierarchy diagram drawing tool