May day, Mayday

We most certainly mean May Day, not Mayday! But have you ever stopped to think of the origins?
May day can be traced back to the Roman goddess of flowers Floralia, whose day was celebrated at the end of April. As secular celebrations became more popular, and with the calendar of the day, the 1st of May marked the first day of Summer.
From flowers to maypoles and crowning of the May Queen, a celebration of fertility and new life is now more commonly linked to the early holiday in May. (BTW the UK office will be closed on the 7th May 2018 as it is a bank holiday). The celebration is also closely aligned in the USA with Labor Day, a celebration of workers rights to fair and just working practice.
On the other hand the Anglicisation of the French m’aider, meaning ‘help me’ is used as a verbalisation of S.O.S. We hope a phrase you never have to use. However, if you do feel your project is having a bit of a Mayday moment, maybe you need to ensure its all in Cradle and you have complete control of your requirements…….
Here at 3SL towers we’re celebrating the ‘New Life’ aspect with the birth of Cradle-7.4!
Cradle Version 7.4

3SL are pleased to announce the release of Cradle-7.4.
There are some really helpful new features to look out for, so watch the blog posts over the next few weeks.
Those with maintenance agreements may request to receive new security codes by email.

Those with Single User licences for 7.3 or before, or those wishing to purchase extra licences, may want to keep an eye open for a 30th Birthday discount. I can’t say too much but you might want to take note of this code. Ts&Cs apply

Time is racing towards final implementations for GDPR.
Watch our website for the final policy updates. If you have any comments please get in touch. !!
Social Media

We love keeping an eye on what’s new with our customers and changing in the engineering community. A ‘vacuum cleaner’ for Xenon caught our eye.
We looked at long distance communication BI (Before internet) #AmateurRadio Day 2018 with a SysML (Systems Modelling Language) sd (sequence diagram).
Hints of the Month
Last month’s blog articles included:
Looking at how to control duplicate expansions on a Hierarchy Diagram (HID). And how to control the rules that allow or prevent those links in the first place.
You can read Hints & Tips in the 3SL Blog