Woob-woob-woob, Aaaharrha! – Aaaharrha!, Ding-Ding, waaaaAAAHAAaaaa

Trying to find an onomatopoeic word for a siren, is a bit tricky (as you will see from our efforts above!). Warning – Warning! you have an extra day in February this year. Just in case you’d not realised the divisible by 4 but not 100, unless 400, means 2020 will have 29 days this February. Now that you have been Alerted to that fact, we can use this as the most convoluted (so far this year) seg-way to remind you about Cradle’s Alert feature.

There are no bells, whistles or sirens, and the most likely way you’ll know you have one is a reminder when you log into WorkBench. The tool bar across the top will show the number of new alerts you have. Alerts can be raised for all manner of things, from the Project Schema changing, to a new item being created or items being linked to items you own. You can see, read, clear them from the Alerts dialog. You can even send new ones directly to other users, “Gwendolyn – have you finished that review yet please?”. You can have Cradle create email alerts, sent directly to a user’s in-box. In summary, they are a useful tool to keep you up to speed with what’s going on in Cradle. More in depth information can be found in this post, or in the help. There are also a setting to control their accumulation.
Love is in the Air

Need more Cradle licences for a bigger project? Not upgraded your single user product to Cradle 7.5? We want to share the love of Engineering, Requirements Management and our favourite topic Cradle. Take a look at this special Valentine’s 2020 discount offer.
Social Media

We noted that the most basic element is starting to attract a lot of interest, with @Alstom‘s tweet.
We mourned the loss of #Windows7, and wondered whether users would turn to Windows 10 or Linux
And Finally
February the 27th marks World NGO Day a chance to remember that not everything is run by governments, or businesses, that charities, organisations and collaborative groups are equally important in a harmonious world. So have a think how you can support an NGO of your choice, let others know too #WorldNGODay. To those that are keeping the wheels of society silently ticking – we salute you.