Need to read Documentation Away from the Office?
Cradle is shipped with an installable copy of the comprehensive online help system but sometimes we know paper printed manuals are easier to work through. You can scribble notes, you can take it to places where you are not allowed to use a confidential laptop, you can use it to prop up the wonky table* in the station café when waiting for the train and your soup is slopping around.

Cradle Documentation
On Windows® you can find the help on an installed system under the Cradle Documentation menu option. Under here you will find all the printable manuals. We don’t publish these documents and leave it up to you whether you use them as an e-book or kill a tree.
On Linux manuals are installed in $CRADLEHOME\help\manuals
You can also get access to the help documents from within our main application in the Cradle suite. Use the Help menu from the main tool bars.
Not Installed?
OK so there are some cases where using the installed help is not practical. The old “Your email failed to send. For further assistance please email I.T.” scenario. So if you want to read the “Installation guide” for example then you can download versions from the Documentation area on the website.
In Summary
No we don’t actually publish printed manuals. Unless customers tell us otherwise we think providing an electronic documentation in a number of formats is the most flexible option. If you need further assistance don’t hesitate to contact your local distributor, call 3SL Headquarters or email
(* Please note using your e-book reader to stabilise a table is not recommend )