Quick Access Bar
The Quick Access Bar (QAB) is intended to provide quick and easy access to all of the types of information in your Cradle database that are relevant to you. It provides easy access to the Automatic scope queries for all item types as a scrollable list of controls, each of which provide access to an automatic menu for an item type.
But what about if you only want the bar to display a specific set of item types or you want them in a specific order?
You can customise how the QAB will look for you in User Preferences. Choose which items are to be shown and in which order you wish them to be displayed you even have the option to set whether you want the Quick Access Bar to be shown when WorkBench starts.

For further information on customising your UI see this previous blog post.
Related Article:
If you need to set these values for everyone in the project, it can be achieved with the Cradle initialisation file.