We are pleased to announce the release of Cradle-7.5!
This is available for download from the 3SL website.
3SL customers with active maintenance have been sent an e-mail notification, and details of which enhancement requests and bug reports are in it. You will be issued with a new security code free of charge.

New Capabilities
Cradle-7.5 contains a range of new capabilities, some of the highlights are:
- ReqIF support – Our current import and export functionality has been extended to support Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF).
- Web Service Interface – Support for Web Services.
- ODBC support – In addition to the shipped ISAM Database, it is now possible to store your Cradle data in a different database via ODBC (Open Database Connectivity).
- Matrices/Navigations – The contents tab of the Matrix Details dialog has been enhanced regarding navigations.
- Queries – Regular expressions on frames has now been extended to support sequential testing.
- Systems Modelling – Increased integration between models and non-model information in system notes/requirements.
Cradle-7.5 available from our website here.
You need a new Security Code for Cradle-7.5, as other Security Codes cannot be used.
Cradle clients (WorkBench, Web Access, Document Publisher for instance.) and server (Cradle CDS) versions can not be mixed. Therefore, you must upgrade all Cradle installations to 7.5.
However, because there are not fundamental changes to the data attributes there is no converter to run for a 7.4 to 7.5 upgrade. Full details are available in the release notes, and updated manuals in addition you can always contact support@threesl.com .
We hope that you will welcome the new capabilities in Cradle-7.5