We are pleased to announce the latest Cradle release!
3SL customers with active maintenance have been sent an e-mail notification of this release, and details of which enhancement requests and bug reports are in it.

New Capabilities
This release contains a range of new capabilities that are described in its release notes:
Some of the highlights are:
- Metrics – Calculations on metric results
- Configuration Management – Related item submissions
- Categories – Skill based control
- Link rules – Cardinality control
- Item Ownership – Set item ownership of item’s related items
- New Cradle and Toolsuite installers
It is available from our website here: https://www.threesl.com/downloads/software.php
You need a new Security Code for 7.3, other Security Codes cannot be used. There is a database conversion from 7.2 to 7.3. The converter will run automatically if you install Cradle-7.3 over the top of, in the same directory as, the earlier version of Cradle from which you are upgrading.
You must upgrade all Cradle installations to 7.3. Cradle-7.2 clients cannot connect to a 7.3 server, and a 7.3 server cannot serve Cradle-7.2 clients.
We hope that you will welcome the new capabilities in this new version!