February Newsletter 2023

Welcome to the February 2023 newsletter from 3SL!

This newsletter contains a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that 3SL and Cradle can deliver real and measurable benefits that help you to improve the information flow within, the quality and timeliness of, and the traceability, compliance and governance for, all of your current and future projects.

If you have any questions about your use of Cradle, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL Support here.

Happy Chinese New Year!

3SL 祝愿我们的所有客户,合作伙伴和供应商2023吉祥如意!

The Chinese New Year holiday reached its climax with the Lantern Festival, celebrated on February 5th, 2023.

What are your Requirements for Valentines Day?

February is the month of Saint Valentine.

3SL Heart based on Photo by SHAHBAZ AKRAM from Pexels
Love Cradle

We want to share the love of engineering through Requirements Management and integrated MBSE. Rather than roses, we will use Cradle!

So if you need more Cradle licences for a bigger project or you want to upgrade your single user product to Cradle 7.7, then contact 3SL for further information.

Happy Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

We hope you have a great pancake day (February 21st) whatever your process flow may be!

Shows a pancake in a process flow
Pancake Flow Diagram (PFD) !

A PFD (Process Flow Diagram), rather than Pancake Flow Diagram shows a particular task or process that the system can perform. This is termed a flow. Systems may have many flows, each of which may have concurrent or optional elements.

Modelling the flow before you take action can ensure you have thought about, and documented, the expected behaviour(s). It can be clear which parts of the system are operating in parallel and which could be bottlenecks awaiting the outcome of previous operations. However, modelling Shrove Tuesday’s pancakes may be a bit excessive ….

Looking Back!

Last month we discussed:

Still to Come this Month

    • Requirements Management online course – February 20th to 23rd

To book your place on the course please see here.

January Newsletter 2023

Welcome to the January 2023 newsletter from 3SL!

This newsletter contains a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that 3SL and Cradle can deliver real and measurable benefits that help you to improve the information flow within, the quality and timeliness of, and the traceability, compliance and governance for, all of your current and future projects.

If you have any problems in your use of Cradle, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL Support here.

Happy New Year

We hope all those celebrating over Christmas had a safe and happy time.

Into a new year and a time to reflect on both your company’s achievements and problems. Whilst the turn of a date is nothing magical, the psychological effect of a new term can really help enthuse and help us focus.

If a project wasn’t quite on track, a root cause analysis can help identify where things went astray. Use this as a positive for new projects and look out for the ‘gotcha’ next time round. It is also important to identify the successes, the team and company can lever the feel-good factor on jobs well done.

3SL US Training Courses

Our US colleagues have scheduled the following public courses:

    • 3-Day User Course
      February 6-8 (3 days), $1395/attendee
    • Combined Administration Course
      February 9 (1 day), $465/attendee
    • 3-Day User Course
      April 17-19 (3 days), $1395/attendee
    • Combined Administration Course
      April 20 (1 day), $465/attendee

These courses are open to anyone from any organisation. If you register for one of these courses, it may mean that you will be joined by people from other organisations.

All of these public courses are limited to 8 attendees. For further information or to book your place on one of these courses please contact 3SL US.

Combined Administration Course

The Combined Administration Course course is designed for project team leaders or managers who administer and manage Cradle projects. It covers both user and project administration. It also includes setting up project schemas helping your users to hit the ground running.

3-Day User Course

The 3-Day User Course is designed to help new users become acquainted with Cradle. This course includes hands on demonstrations for both administration and requirements management tasks.

3SL Listed in ESMCP ESN Supplier Directory

The Home Office is leading a cross-government programme to deliver the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) critical communications system. ESN is being delivered through the Emergency Services Mobile Communication Programme (ESMCP) in the Home Office where 3SL and Cradle have provided requirements and test/evidence management and contract governance support since 2013.

Emergency Services Network
Emergency Services Network

ESN is being delivered through the Emergency Services Mobile Communication Programme (ESMCP) in the Home Office. ESMCP has many component projects, including the acquisition of MCX end user communication services.

3SL is pleased to announce that we have been listed as a supplier in this programme. Interest in 3SL and Cradle can be registered through the portal or directly to 3SL.

Interest in Cradle from HMG or 3ES can be sent directly to 3SL or through G-Cloud 13 in the Digital Marketplace here.

Still to come this month

    • Project Administration online course – January 17th to 18th
    • User online course – January 24th to 25th

To book your place on either of the Project Administration or User courses please see here.

December 2022 – Newsletter

Welcome to the December 2022 newsletter from 3SL!

This newsletter contains a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that 3SL and Cradle can deliver real and measurable benefits that help you to improve the information flow within, the quality and timeliness of, and the traceability, compliance and governance for, all of your current and future projects.

If you have any problems in your use of Cradle, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL Support here.

32-Bit vs 64-Bit

For our next major release – Cradle-8.0 – we are proposing to remove support for:

    • 32-bit Windows
    • 32-bit Microsoft Office
    • 32-bit Linux

We would like to know if this would have adverse effects for any of our current customers and any potential customers.  If you believe that removing 32-bit support from Cradle would affect you or your company, then please send your views and opinions to 3SL Support here.

Cradle-8.0 will not be released until mid 2023 at the earliest.

New User Training Course

We have a new training course available: Cradle User Course.

This course is ideal for:

    • Anyone who is new to Cradle and needs an overview
    • Anyone who is joining a team that has been using Cradle for some time
    • Anyone who has not used Cradle for some time and needs to update their skills

For further details, please see here.

New Configuration Management Training Course

We have a new training course available: Configuration and Change Management.

This course is ideal for anyone:

    • Who needs to apply specific workflows to the information in your Cradle databases, or
    • Who needs to introduce formal reviews and approvals into a Cradle-based project, or
    • Who needs to understand and use Cradle’s baseline mechanism, or
    • Who needs to apply configuration management, configuration control and formal change to a Cradle project

The course includes:

For further details, please see here.

This course has been included in our 2023 training course calendar as discussed below.

Public Training Course Calendar 2023

The courses available in 2023 are listed below. You can now see a list of the public courses available here within the Public Training Courses panel.

You can also book your place on one of the courses here.

For details of the modules in each course, please see here:

Project Administration Course

Learn how to configure Cradle to best support your project’s processes and to deliver that process support to your users. This is a great opportunity for project managers to understand their schemas and Cradle UI customisations.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • January 17th to 18th
    • July 18th to 19th

User Course

This course provides an overview of Cradle’s capabilities including best practices and includes demonstrations of the major Cradle features. This course is excellent for new users to familiarise themselves with Cradle.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • January 24th to 25th
    • July 25th to 26th

Requirements Management

This is a great opportunity for small teams, or just new team members to get started with requirements management in Cradle, including loading information from external sources, organising it, evolving it through your process, and then publishing the integrated information set that this creates.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • February 20th to 23rd
    • August 21st to 24th

Document Publisher

Make your output shine with this course that explains how to create and publish document templates using Cradle’s Document Publisher tool. Once you have managed your requirements, models, risks and tests through your process, it is essential that you can deliver essential, accurate and consistent project documentation directly from this integrated set of information.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • March 20th to 23rd
    • September 18th to 21st

Risk Management

Learn how to identify, analyse, treat and monitor your project’s risks, link them to your requirements, SBS and other information and manage these risks and their mitigations. This course ensures you can implement your risk management plan, manage your risk registers and publish your risk profiles.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • April 18th to 19th
    • October 24th to 25th

Test Management and Execution

Learn how to integrate a complete suite of test plans and test cases into your project data, and how to execute test runs of these test plans and cases so as to collect test results and associated data for each step in the test cases. Apply this mechanism at all module/unit, subsystem, system and higher levels to deliver the V&V, acceptance and governance of your project.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • May 23rd to 24th
    • November 21st to 22nd

Configuration Management

Learn how to use Cradle’s workflow and CM system to manage the creation and evolution of items of information, how to formally review these items into project baselines, and how to make formally controlled changes to new instances of these items.

The 2023 dates for this course are:

    • June 20th to 21st
    • December 12th to 13th

G-Cloud 13

The UK government provides the G-Cloud procurement framework for its departments and agencies. G-Cloud 13 is the latest instance of that framework, agreement number RM1557.13, and is available between 9th November 2022 and 8th November 2023.

3SL is pleased to announce that we have been accepted into G-Cloud 13,Crown Commercial Service Supplier logo and that Cradle is available as a variety of SaaS services through Lot 2 in this framework, and a range of training and consultancy services are available through Lot 3.

Cradle SaaS Services

A wide range of SaaS services are available through G-Cloud 13 Lot 2. For a summary of this Lot, please see here.

Each service includes Cradle licences, a user-configurable schema, and a comprehensive support package. The SaaS can be delivered for both UNCLASSIFIED (IL0) and OFFICIAL (certified IL3) deployments. The services are:

Cradle Training/Consultancy

A range of configurable services are available to support a Cradle deployment through G-Cloud 13 Lot 3. For a summary of this Lot, please see here.

These services are:

    • Consultancy
    • Administration Training
    • Fundamentals Training
    • Advanced Lifecycle Training

Social Media

Over the past month we have discussed:

3SL Celebrating 35 Years

1st December 2022 marks our 35th year of trading.

35 Years
3SL Celebrates 35 Years

Thank you to all our loyal customers and friends past and present. We’re proud to have been of assistance in your projects.

Thank you to all the staff who over the years have changed Cradle into the multi module full lifecycle suite it is today.

Structured Software Systems Limited’s official start date was 1st December 1987 and trades under the catchier moniker 3SL.

Happy Christmas

May we take this opportunity to wish you, our wonderful customers, suppliers and distributors, season’s greetings and a peaceful and Happy Christmas. We wish you all the best in 2023.

Happy Christmas based on Photo by Giftpundits.com from Pexels
Season’s Greetings


Well 2022 seems to have gone so quickly, in writing our December 2022 Newsletter, we take a look back at what happened:

  • All 3SL staff returned to the office
  • Cradle-7.7 released
  • Snapshots – a read-only copy of information in a Cradle database at a specific point in time
  • New dashboard dial types
  • Ability to test sending Cradle email alerts
  • Cradle- released
  • ISO-9001 recertification
  • G-Cloud 13

And Finally

That’s all for the December 2022 Newsletter, and indeed this year. If you would like to suggest a topic for next time, drop us a line social-customer@threesl.com.

November 2022 – Newsletter

Welcome to the November 2022 newsletter from 3SL!

This newsletter contains a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that 3SL and Cradle can deliver real and measurable benefits that help you to improve the information flow within, the quality and timeliness of, and the traceability, compliance and governance for, all of your current and future projects.

If you have any problems in your use of Cradle, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL Support here.

Artemis I

Artemis I launch, copyright NASA
Artemis I Launch

Cradle has been an integral part of the Constellation and Artemis programmes for many years, being central to the toolchains in both government and in industry.

We would like to extend our congratulations to NASA’s Exploration Systems Development mission directorate for the successful launch of Artemis I.

Follow the progress of the Artemis I mission through NASA.

32-Bit vs 64-Bit

For our next major release – Cradle-8.0 – we propose to remove support for:

    • 32-bit Windows
    • 32-bit Microsoft Office
    • 32-bit Linux

We would like to know if this would have adverse effects for any of our current customers and any potential customers.  If you believe that removing 32-bit support from Cradle would affect you or your company, then please send your views and opinions to 3SL Support here.

Cradle-8.0 will not be released until mid 2023 at the earliest.

New User Training Course

We have a new training course available: Cradle User Course. This course is ideal for:

    • Anyone who is new to Cradle and needs an overview
    • Anyone who is joining a team that has been using Cradle for some time
    • Anyone who has not used Cradle for some time and needs to update their skills

For further details, please see here.

New Configuration Management Training Course

We have a new training course available: Configuration and Change Management. This course is ideal for anyone:

    • Who needs to apply specific workflows to the information in your Cradle databases, or
    • Who needs to introduce formal reviews and approvals into a Cradle-based project, or
    • Who needs to understand and use Cradle’s baseline mechanism, or
    • Who needs to apply configuration management, configuration control and formal change to a Cradle project

The course includes:

For further details, please see here.

G-Cloud 13

The UK government provides the G-Cloud procurement framework for its departments and agencies. G-Cloud 13 is the latest instance of that framework, agreement number RM1557.13, and is available between 9th November 2022 and 8th November 2023.

G-Cloud used to be delivered through the Digital Marketplace. In its latest form, G-Cloud is being delivered through the Public Procurement Gateway (PPG) managed by the Crown Commercial Services (CCS). You can find G-Cloud 13 in the PPG here.

3SL is pleased to announce that we have been accepted into G-Cloud 13,Crown Commercial Service Supplier logo and that Cradle is available as a variety of SaaS services through Lot 2 in this framework, and a range of training and consultancy services are available through Lot 3.

Cradle SaaS Services

A wide range of SaaS services are available through G-Cloud 13 Lot 2. For a summary of this Lot, please see here.

Each service includes Cradle licences, a user-configurable schema, and a comprehensive support package. The SaaS can be delivered for both UNCLASSIFIED (IL0) and OFFICIAL (certified IL3) deployments. The services are:

    • Agile Collaboration
    • Agile Software Development
    • Agile Software Management
    • Application Lifecycle Development
    • Application Lifecycle Management
    • Business Analysis
    • Business Process Modelling
    • Defect Tracking
    • Enterprise Architecture
    • Integrated Risk Management
    • Integrated Test Management
    • Lifecycle Management
    • MBE Model Based Engineering
    • MBSE Model Based Software Engineering
    • MBSE Model Based Systems Engineering
    • Requirements and Testing
    • Requirements Engineering
    • Requirements Management
    • Risk Assessment
    • Risk Compliance
    • Risk Management
    • SysML Modelling
    • Systems Engineering
    • Test Execution
    • Test Management
    • Test Planning
    • UML Modelling

The PPG infrastructure is still in development. CCS have advised that direct links to individual services in the G-Cloud Lots will be available at the end of this year. 3SL will post an update when such links become available.

In the meantime, please contact 3SL here to discuss acquiring a Cradle SaaS through G-Cloud.

Cradle Training/Consultancy

A range of configurable services are available to support a Cradle deployment through G-Cloud 13 Lot 3. For a summary of this Lot, please see here.

These services are:

    • Consultancy
    • Administration Training
    • Fundamentals Training
    • Advanced Lifecycle Training

The PPG infrastructure is still in development. CCS have advised that direct links to individual services in the G-Cloud Lots will be available at the end of this year. 3SL will post an update when such links become available.

In the meantime, please contact 3SL here to discuss Cradle training and consultancy services through G-Cloud.

Social Media

Over the past month we have discussed:

Thank You

3SL would also like to thank all of our customers, evaluators and potential customers who have found the time to send feedback on our services, such as evaluations, training courses, Cradle support and so on.

We understand how busy you are.

Your responses are essentialto help us both monitor and seek to improve the services we provide to you.

Thank you!

Thank You

October 2022 – Newsletter

Welcome to the October 2022 newsletter from 3SL that provides a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that we, and Cradle, can deliver real and measurable benefits to all of the exciting development projects that we see every day through your regular contacts with our support team. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL support here.

32-Bit vs 64-Bit

For our next major release – Cradle-8.0 we are considering stopping support for:

  • 32-bit Windows
  • 32-bit Microsoft Office
  • 32-bit Linux

We would like to understand if this affects any of our current customer’s and potential prospects.  If you can find the time, please provide your views/opinions to our Support Team at support@threesl.com.

Please note that Cradle-8.0 will not be released until mid 2023 at the earliest.

Upcoming Training Courses

We still have places left on our two remaining Cradle training courses this year.

The next scheduled course is the Cradle Document Publisher course. The dates are 17th to 20th October. Document Publisher is a Windows® based publishing tool that allows professional documentation to be produced directly from the data within your project’s database. Fully understanding how to configure templates and data manipulation will offer the best output for you to provide to your stakeholders, customers, regulators and other interested parties.

The last scheduled course of 2022 is the Cradle Requirements Management course. The dates of this course are 21st to 24th November. This is a great opportunity for small teams, or a couple of new team members to get started with RM and Cradle.

Both courses are conducted over four ½ days.

Don’t miss out! To book a place on one of our online courses please click here!

Training Course Calendar 2023

We are currently preparing our training course calendar for 2023. This will be available soon.

The courses available in 2023 are:

  • Project Administration:
    Public Online Training Course
    Cradle Training Courses
    • January and July
  • User:
    • January and July
  • Requirements Management:
    • February and August
  • Document Publisher:
    • March and September
  • Risk Management:
    • April and October
  • Test Management:
    • May and November
  • Configuration Management:
    • June and December

Dates to be confirmed.

Making SWIFT Payments

Recently we have noticed some minor issues with receiving swift payments. If payments are to be made by SWIFT using a MT103 instruction, please ensure Field 71A is set to OUR instead of SHA.

Social Media

Last month we discussed:

We also paid our respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Thank You

3SL would also like to thank all of our customers/evaluators/prospects who have found the time to send feedback on our services, e.g. training courses, Cradle support etc. We understand how busy you are, but these responses help us to both monitor and look to improve the services we provide to you. Thank you.

Thank You
Thank you from 3SL

That’s all for our October 2022 newsletter.

September 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to the latest newsletter from 3SL that provides a mixture of news and technical information about us, and our requirements management and systems engineering tool “Cradle”. We would especially like to welcome everyone who has purchased Cradle in the past month and those who are currently evaluating Cradle for their projects and processes.

We hope that we, and Cradle, can deliver real and measurable benefits to all of the exciting development projects that we see every day through your regular contacts with our support team. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact 3SL support here.

Showing Cell Titles in Views

Sometimes when displaying a nested view the cell titles take up a lot of space on the screen.

Displaying Cell Titles
Displaying Cell Titles

Within the View Details dialog you have the option to choose whether you want to display the cell titles:

Show cell titles option
Displaying cell titles in views

As you can see you can choose to either:

  • Show the cell titles
  • Hide the cell titles
  • Show the cell titles only when the view is top-level

You can change the visibility of any of the component views that are being used to show linked items. In practice, most people either hide everything or show everything.

For further information on views please see our online help page.

Help with Cradle-7.7

Following on from our recent Cradle-7.7 release, if you are not already a customer and would like more information about Cradle, you can download the software and a free evaluation licence. You can find this on our website, or  you can request a webinar. If you are a customer and would like to upgrade, please contact 3SL for a Security Code and for any assistance you may require with the upgrade.

Upcoming Training Courses

We still have places available on our September Risk Management course. Learn how to identify, analyse, evaluate, treat and monitor the risks associated with activities or events within your business. This course is designed for project team leaders or managers who administer and manage risks.

To book a place on one of our online courses please click here!

G-Cloud 13

Cradle on G-Cloud-12
G-Cloud 13

The UK government Digital Market Place Cloud Software applications offer a wide range of software aimed at fulfilment of central and regional government contracts, government agencies’ work and local authority use. This ranges from Schools, education and libraries to Fault management, monitoring and alerting  or Marketing. 3SL (Structured Software Systems Ltd.) continue our presence in G-Cloud 12 but are proud  to announce that Cradle has been successful on G-Cloud 13 and will be available as SaaS through G-Cloud 13 for agile and phase-based projects under the Information and communications technology (ICT) services when it goes live in November.


Cradle offers two packages Cradle Software as SaaS and Cradle Training and Consultancy.


The software package includes Cradle licences, a pre-defined schema and a comprehensive support package. This can be used in  both unclassified (IL0) and OFFICIAL (certified IL3) deployments and covers the following elements:

  • Agile Collaboration
  • Application Lifecycle Development
  • Application Lifecycle Management
  • Agile Software Development
  • Agile Software Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Process Modelling
  • Defect Tracking
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Integrated Risk Management
  • Integrated Test Management
  • Lifecycle Management
  • MBE Model Based Engineering
  • MBSE Model Based Software Engineering
  • MBSE Model Based Systems Engineering
  • Requirements and Testing
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Requirements Management
  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk Compliance
  • Risk Management
  • SysML Modelling
  • Systems Engineering
  • Test Execution
  • Test Management
  • Test Planning
  • UML Modelling

Cradle Training/Consultancy

  • Consultancy
  • Administration Training
  • Fundamentals Training
  • Advanced Lifecycle Training

Prices start from as little as £50.00 per user per month. Including email and phone support and full documentation included. Optional onsite support and training is available. This can be supplied on Windows® or Linux®.


A wide range of user customisation is available including:

  • Items’ (attributes, links and properties)
  • Display of chosen data and layout through queries, views, forms,
  • Processing data to give graphs, reports, documents, metrics, KPIs/dashboards, process
  • CM (Configuration Management) system workflows
  • UI (User Interface) layout and content
  • Authentication and access control


For details, see here:

  • Software
  • Training/Consultancy

or search for 3SL Cradle.  For an overview of Cradle, see our video here:  We look forward to helping you achieve success on your future projects, or migrating existing ‘manual’ or disparate works into a fully encompassed solution.

July 2022 Newsletter

Sun, Sand and New Releases

July has come around again and we turn our thoughts to hot sunny days, (in the northern hemisphere), beach holidays perhaps and take time to relax. We look forward to sun, sand and new releases…

Sun, Sand and New Releases
Sun, Sand and New Releases

We can use this time to re-assess how we do things, how to do things better and make improvements in our personal and working lives.

On the topic of improvements, July marks the month in which 3SL releases our new 7.7 version of Cradle. There are many enhancements and improvements that will be beneficial to our users.

Cradle-7.7 Release

New features coming in this release:

Cradle 7.7
Cradle 7.7 coming soon
  • Pie charts
  • Metrics in graphs
  • Many small enhancements to documentation
  • New dial type in dashboards – anular percentage
  • Update to DEMO project
  • Enhancements to baseline reports
  • Snapshots
  • Test Mail button added to test mail settings
  • Test Execution UI in Project Setup enhanced
  • Added support for Windows 11
  • Added support for Office 2019 and Office 365

Training Courses

We now have a new training course available for all users of Cradle.  The User Training course will be taking place on October 5th – 6th 2022.

Cradle Online Training
Online Cradle Training

The contents of the course are available to see here and the course can be booked here

For more information on courses please see the blog post here

Create a New Database Based upon a Previous Database

The Problem

Create Project Dialog

I want to create a new database that is a copy of a pre-existing database minus the actual data.

Cradle Project Environment

The environment for the Cradle project will contain:

  • Project Setup
  • Supporting definition files (views, forms, queries, documents etc.)
  • Users*

*If you will have the same users in the new project that are in the existing project.

The Solution…


Social Media


Nuclear added to European green taxonomy
Nuclear added to European green taxonomy

We retweeted our support for nuclear being added to the European green taxonomy

June 2022 – Newsletter


Pearls of Wisdom

Pearls are the birthstone for the month of June. Pearls are associated with purity, honesty, and wisdom, as in the term “Pearls of wisdom.”

Pearls of Wisdom

That is a description of wise advice, concise pieces of sagacity that are metaphorically as precious as pearls. Originally, pearls of wisdom referred to bits of information or advice that the receiver truly found precious. Today, referring to information or advice one receives as pearls of wisdom is often, but not always, sarcastic, as the phrase is now considered a terrible cliché. The term pearls of wisdom dates back at least to the early 1800s.

Wisdom in Systems Engineering

Wisdom can take various forms of thinking. Strategic wisdom; system wisdom; decision wisdom; creative wisdom and so on. All these forms of wisdom can be utilised if they are organised to work together in a single, integrated solution.  This will get the best results, as all the effort will guide that wisdom to be used systematically to reach the same required goals.

Cradle 7.7 Release

Cradle 7.7
Cradle 7.7 coming soon

We are pleased to announce that the Cradle 7.7 release will be ready at the end of July. We are now in the final testing stages of the new release – watch for news. Those under maintenance will receive this update including the new features for free. Those without maintenance or using single user products from earlier point releases will need to purchase an upgrade to 7.7.

New features coming in this release:

    • Pie charts
    • Metrics in graphs
    • Many small enhancements to documentation
    • New dial type in dashboards – anular percentage
    • Update to DEMO project
    • Enhancements to baseline reports
    • Snapshots
    • Test Mail button added to test mail settings
    • Test Execution UI in Project Setup enhanced
    • Added support for Windows 11
    • Added support for Office 2019 and Office 365

Look out for more information on these enhancements in the future.

Training Courses

Cradle Online Training
Online Cradle Training

We are pleased to announce that we shall be adding new training courses soon. We have a new one day User course and a Modelling course. These will be available on the website shortly.


Regrettably, the price for all variants of Cradle will be increasing by approximately 10% on the 1st of August 2022. All quotes given before then are still valid at the quoted price, even if the purchase takes place after 1st August 2022.

Dual Monitor Issues

Some issues have been detected when running our Toolsuite applications (Document Loader or Document Publisher), e.g. when running dual monitors, with certain scaling settings etc.

Please see this post for how to fix this issue

Social Media



We remembered D-Day and the sacrifice and bravery exhibited on a scale unimaginable to most people today in this Tweet by the MOD Defence HQ




We look forward to more sustainable transport with Siemens Hydrogen Train


We hope that everyone has a prosperous and sunny June. Here’s to a great summer!


April 2022 – Newsletter

Egging You On

3SL Easter Egs
3SL Easter

We most likely understand this to mean encourage, provoke or urge. Unfortunately there is no underlying tasty treat associated with the phrase.
Eggs and Easter eggs may represent the start of a new life or regeneration and are often given at Easter after their consumption would have been prohibited during Lent.


An egg holds the building instructions for a new life, and when fertilised can grow into something great. Like a new life, a  project needs to be nurtured in order to grow. However, it must be led in the correct direction, not allowed to grow too fast or out of control for the best success. There will be risks on the way and its progress needs to be monitored and checked.


So we urge, cajole and encourage you to keep your projects safe, warm and cared for the only way we know how – in Cradle.
Now does anyone fancy taking up the Chicken and Egg debate???


shot from Barrow-in-Furness town square of 3SL Offices
3SL Offices

During April 3SL UK offices are making a phased return to the office. It’s been over 2 years since we’ve sat at our desks. It was a bit of a time capsule moment seeing diaries open on March 2020! You will still be able to email, use webinar, or snail-mail, but if you call us on +44 1229 838867 you may find different voices answer.


Cradle Online Training
Online Cradle Training

The Project Administration 20th-21st April 2022 course is designed for project team leaders or managers who administer and manage Cradle projects. It will cover user and project administration. It will also include setting up project schemas helping your users to hit the ground running.

Social Media


HII Tweet Mar2022
HII Tweet March 2022

We marvelled at how a dock can float in this tweet from HII.

We reviewed the SpeedUpSolR(TM) device, but apparently a number of people have reported difficulty buying it….. SpeedUpSolR(TM) 😉


Item Properties in Cradle

Updating Item Properties. If you have a large number of items for which you need to change value(s) did you know you can set properties? Take a peek at this method on our YouTube Channel



March 2022 – Newsletter

Cn yuo raed this sentnce?

Most English native readers will understand the text above. Although we must admit it is fairly atrocious.  We are so used to reading context, that even when letters are missing or transposed we still understand. Sometimes [sic ]don’t even notice the errors. We have come acustomed [sic] to our browsers and text document processors telling us the spelling of a word is not recognised. However, unless there is some form of context processing too, a smelling [sic] mistake would get through even if a sbelling [sic] mistake was highlighted.


EV Charging point too low based on Photo by Ed Harvey from Pexels
1m not 1mm high

March the 8th recognised proof reading day, which may be a delight for the pedants among or is that amongst us. However, it does highlight the importance of peer review.  Proof reading is generally defined as “a process of finding and correcting textual mistakes before it is published” Elements that are easily overlooked when you read information back to yourself are often picked out faster by another. You “know” what you intended to write, and the human brain is very good at telling you that’s what is on the page.


It may be blatantly obvious you meant the EV socket was to be placed 1m from the floor but that extra ‘m‘ that remained in your text was a typo. Now no one can plug their car into the socket that is 1mm from the floor. You would hope the contractor would question this. However, not all errors are as obvious, incorrectly specifying a tolerance of 0.01mm or 0.1mm could either mean some costly but unnecessary machining, or components that don’t fit depending on the use case.   Language semantics can also get in the way of clear communication. Peers are likely to question whether you really wanted to separate those who may consider cannibalism;  “To avoid smells, the train buffet service should segregate eating passengers”. Whilst in reality it is unlikely to be misconstrued, it may show a less than professional approach to your stakeholders especially in a presentation  or final review.


In Cradle we have covered the benefits of reviews and formal base-lining. However we also advocate the use of Discussions as a method of reviewing and recording comments and notes.


Cradle supports a Conformance Checker to examine the correctness of requirements against a set of language / semantic checks. If you have ToolSuite you can also access a SpellChecker to examine your item’s text.


Cradle Online Training
Online Cradle Training

Don’t forget to book to ensure your place on the courses in the 2022 Public training course calendar  . If you have questions or want tailored or on-site courses please contact salesdetails@threesl.com


UKAS ISO9001 Mark 3SL Certificate 16926 (Thumb)
3SL Certificate Number 16926 ISO 9001

3SL are proud to announce their third year recertification for ISO9001. The team working with the audit  said we passed with flying colours and there were no non-conformances. This is a testimony to all who have helped throughout the year improving and recording our processes.

The ISO says of the scheme

ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system and is the only standard in the family that can be certified to (although this is not a requirement). It can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of its field of activity. In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified to ISO 9001.
This standard is based on a number of quality management principles including a strong customer focus, the motivation and implication of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. These principles are explained in more detail in ISO’s quality management principles. Using ISO 9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good-quality products and services, which in turn brings many business benefits.”[1]

Social Media


ZF Group Tweet Feb 2022 Torque
ZF Group Tweet Feb 2022

We looked at the steep increase ZF Group have seen in torques that generation chains need to handle as wind turbines increase in size.

We also decided whilst there is a time for pancakes the time line of cooking them may not be suited to SysML modelling 😉


Cradle Frame Storage mechanisms
Frame Data Storage

Did you know you can store your data in Cradle in several ways? In the database, in a file, as a reference or retrieve it by command? Why not take a peek at the possibilities.




[1]The ISO9000 scheme

Updated 31/03/2022 – UKAS Logo latest DESIGN