
As we all know viruses are a sad reality of today’s world. Just like their biological cousins they cause havoc as they move and infect their hosts.
The never ending war against them is fought by many corporations with their anti-virus software. We should all try and ensure our machines are inoculated with the latest databases. We ourselves protect all our machines, and monitor the content of incoming emails (see Related Articles)
False Positives
While most businesses agree a false positive is better than a missed virus, it can cause significant impact for the customer and the vendor.
We have noticed some issue with another false positive from anti-virus software from Symantec. We therefore try to pre-register all of the Cradle executables with anti-virus (AV) software providers. This will ensure that you have no problems installing the Cradle suite.
Registration Mitigation and Issue Notification
We currently white-list register with AVG†, McAfee†, Kaspersky† and Avast† and notify Symantec† of any problems.
This should lead to trouble free installation for all our customers.
†No endorsement or guarantee is implied or given by these third party vendors.
It would assist 3SL if you have any flavour of AV software that incorrectly highlights Cradle components as problematic.