We’re All (Not) Going on a Summer Holiday

It’s been another strange Summer break this year. We hope you have managed to take a few days to recharge your batteries whether a Vacation, Staycation, Backyardcation. The last 18 months or so have shown what is possible with remote working. We trust with WebAccess, VPN connections, Remote Desktop Access, or SaaS you have been able to continue with your projects in Cradle.
There has been a lot of debate over the advantages and disadvantages of working from home. On one hand you can “just finish” something without needing to leave for a bus or train, on the other hand some of the social interaction and coffee table discussions are missing over video conference. With your computer sat on a desk at home there may be more of a temptation or expectation to sign on ‘outside hours’ to answer emails.
So whilst we are pleased you are reading this August 2021 newsletter, it is important to remember whatever type of break you take, (a change is as good as a rest) it is important to have time away and to refocus on your return. 3SL is happy to advise on flexible configurations of your installation to keep you up to speed wherever and however you continue to work
Training Course

There are no public training courses at the moment. The current schedule ended with the Requirements Management course on 17th-19th August.
We will be putting together the Autumn onwards schedule shortly and would like to hear from you if there are any topics you would like to see covered, contact salesdetails@threesl.com

Keeping your requirements SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realisable, Traceable) can easily become nubilous, insufficiently Specific. This can often be resolved by splitting the requirement statement from “The product will do this and that” into two clear statements “The product shall do this” and “The product shall do that”. Cradle’s split feature allows blocks of information to be split into multiple items, each cross referenced to their common source. These new elements are then Specific, and the linking allows them to be fully Traceable. Watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WennmTREWXQ and other tips on our YouTube channel, and don’t forget to Subscribe
Social Media

We mused over Muesli and Bran-flakes when we saw PNNL’s Tweet about battery technology.
We reminded you that it is easy to keep in touch with what’s happening in your Cradle installation by setting up email alerts.

A reminder that the 3SL Cradle YouTube channel. Has a set of play lists and to keep notified we ask you please hit the “Subscribe” button.
That’s all for the Staycation August 2021 Newsletter, back to Work, back to School, College and Universities soon.