It’s June Already

Life is certainly different since the last Newsletter. We’ve been locked away in bedrooms and dining rooms ensuring 3SL can continue to develop the upcoming 7.6 release and provide email support and webinars. A good thing about not having a webcam on your work computer, is that we can get away with t-shirt and shorts rather than normal office attire! Some staff are looking a little different, beards down to their knees, as they feel no need to shave, and that’s just the women……. We hope you too are coping with the changes.
Coming Soon……

As mentioned above Cradle 7.6 is lining up for release. We can’t wait to show you some great new facilities in Risk Management and Test Execution & Recording. Keep an eye out for release notifications.
A Word from 3SL

As lock-down eases, you’ll be getting to grips with the ‘new normal’, and making choices about the future of your business.
We just wanted to let you know we are right by your side, to help you navigate what’s next, with experience, support and technology to help. From remote access to a SaaS solution, to building new processes or designing new products in Cradle.
We have a range of online training courses. With a Document Publisher opportunity in June.
However, if there’s more we can be doing to support you, please let us know here. Let’s face the next steps together.
Spam Safe

We have recently updated authentication of our emails. Your mail systems should find communications from 3SL ( make use of DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) which adds PKI signature verification and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) – which combines SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM together. This should reduce the likelihood of 3SL communications mistakenly being marked as spam.
Social Media

We noted the birth of the first electromechanical programmable computer, and how things have moved on.
We noted that engineering is not just about making the product it is also about making the machines to help assemble it.
And Finally
Did you know June 23rd is Typewriter day? (The anniversary of the granting of the U.S. patent to Christopher Latham Sholes in 186). Do you clatter away on a responsive full travel 101/102 or 104/105 Key layout or a 78-80 key light travel laptop key or a flat touch haptic button. Are you a single finger prodder, a one hand and one finger keyer, or a fully trained typer? Why not have a go at