National Sunglasses Day 2017

Annually on June 27 National Sunglasses day commemorates the importance of wearing ultraviolet (UV)-protective  eye-wear #NationalSunglassesDay

It is time to stop viewing Requirements Management through rose tinted spectacles.

The importance of seeing requirements management tools clearly
Rose Tinted Views

If you really believe office tools are up to the job of helping plan and manage your most important developments, you could be looking through rose tinted spectacles.

All too often it is believed that a spreadsheet or word-processor document is sufficient to manage a set of requirements. Only when a project is asked to change a requirement or how they intend to test a feature do things become unstuck.

If a single component is used in a number of places in the project (whether this is a nut or a software module) how easy is it to find all the places that may need attention when the supplier changes the specification?

If something fails, how simple is it to get from the design backwards to the requirement that it was derived from or forwards to the test case that was used to demonstrate it?

Do yourself a favour on National Sunglasses Day 2017 and buy a shiny and bright requirements management tool ! Cradle for all your Requirements and Systems Engineering needs.

Getting Started with Link Rules in Cradle

What Are Link Rules?

Link rules are used in Cradle as a way of defining constraints for cross reference operations within a project. They specify who can manipulate cross references, the link types that can be used, between what types of item, and which items of these types. This guide to getting started with link rules will help first time users understand the concepts.

The level of detail for each link rule can vary as required for your project’s needs. On one hand they can be very simplistic, allowing links of any link type between all item types. On the other hand they can be more detailed and specific, allowing links between different item types, models and individual item identities.

Throughout this blog post, and future posts, we will explore the Link Rule Setup dialog. These posts will cover the different options available and the result this will have on cross references between items in your project.

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