Multiple Value Categories


In the database each item can have a number of categories assigned to it. These are indexes by which you want to sort and retrieve your items. Some values are plainly single, an item’s Customer Approval can’t be Approved and Rejected at the same time. However, Colours could be Red and Blue on the same item. These are multiple value categories. They are used to classify an item when the attribute itself can have multiple non mutually exclusive values.

The values that can be held by the category are defined in the Project Schema. Each value is allocated to a ‘slot’ each item holds a set of flags indicating which slots (values) are ‘selected’ for that item.

When shown in a View or Form, the values for the slots are shown to the user.

Showing selecting a multiple value category
Multiple Category Value Selection

New Cradle-7.2 Project Setup Feature

It’s now even easier to set up multiple value categories in Project Setup.

Project setup of multiple value category
Multiple Value Category Setup

The new options are:

  • Clear – Clears the value from the list but leaves the slot blank
  • Copy – Copies the selected value
  • Paste – Pastes the copied value into the selected slot
  • Delete – Deletes the value and all values below this value are moved up
  • Insert – Inserts a slot so you can add a value, all values below this slot are moved down
  • Up – Exchanges the currently selected slot with the one above it
  • Down – Exchanges the currently selected slot with the one below it

There is consequence on existing items in the database for all of the operations above so a warning message will be shown when attempting one of these operations.

If slots 1, 2, 3 are Red, Blue and Green and item AA1 has flags set for 1, 2 it will be seen as Red and Blue. If a subsequent change is made to the schema (after items exist as drafts or baseline items), making slot 1, 2, 3 Red, Orange, Blue and Green, will result in item AA1 being defines as Red and Orange. This is because the flags tally with the slot. Users should query on existing data to see which items will be affected and subsequently update those they wish to change individually, or using “Item Properties”.

Summer is on the Way (Spring 2017)

Vernal (Spring) Equinox 2017-03-20

Summer’s on the way for those in the Northern Hemisphere.  The Vernal (Spring) Equinox is marking the first day astronomical spring. Explained further on

Why not consider a spring clean, remove all those dusty files full of project requirements version 1 to version 9. Why? Will you really be able to find what you are looking for without a way of searching? Consider whether you can sensibly access the details of those designs sitting rolled up in mailing tubes. Do you have the means to edit them electronically any more. Does anyone know where the file is kept?

NOTE: If you live in the Southern Hemisphere you don’t have to wait until spring you could have an Autumn clean !

sunrise picture

Cradle can help save your day!

With all the data for your project in one convenient tool, everything from the requirements through the project plan, the design and the test results conveniently linked together. Isn’t that much nicer than a set of files on shelves?

From under £250 (Current Requirements Management Desktop price March 2017) you could bring order where there was chaos. See the comparison chart for details of which tool suits best and the shop for current price details.

Item Integrity – “Fix” Option

Schema Changed?

In an ideal world we would design the project schema first and then run our project from that point on. However, that’s not always how real life pans out, changes post ‘work starting’ can create questionable item integrity.

Cradle’s WorkBench Item Integrity checker allows an authorised user to check the status of items in the database. The thorough check ensures each item’s attributes are consistent with the schema and valid. It highlights areas that need the database administrator’s attention.

These issues may have been created in a number of normal operational ways.

  • Altering the schema after these items have been created and saved.
  • Importing items whilst overriding data validation. (In order to get items in to the database, so that they can be edited it is quite logical to want the old value to remain. The user then has a chance to view and edit and save with the new parameters).
  • Creating, say, a hierarchy of items and subsequently not editing them to fill in all required category fields or filling mandatory frames with content. (It would be most laborious to be forced to fill each one at the time of creation. It is better allowing a hierarchy to be created and then subsequently edited)

Item Integrity Checker dialog

Item Integrity Checker

New Cradle-7.2 Item Integrity Fix Feature

A Fix button has been added to the Item Checks section of the Item Integrity Checker. This button only apply to certain checks. These checks are shown below with details of what happens when the Fix button is pressed:

CheckFix Operation
Category values are defined in project schemaClear the category values.
Category values match data type in project schemaIf it has a default value, set it to this value, otherwise don’t do anything, i.e. this cannot be fixed using the Fix button.
Categories are not empty when predefined values existIf it has a default value, set it to this value, otherwise don’t do anything, i.e. this cannot be fixed using the Fix button.
All mandatory categories have valuesIf it has a default value, set it to this value, otherwise don’t do anything, i.e. this cannot be fixed using the Fix button.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day 2017

Wishing all our customers, suppliers and followers a Happy St. Patrick’s day 2017 from 3SL.

State Chart Diagrams (SCD)

Whatever process you are modelling, if there are stages or states that form the process you can represent these in a SCD.

Classes, in this case “a day” that have a distinct lifecycle. They exhibit a different external behaviour in different circumstances “Special day for celebration”  may be augmented by a Statechart Diagram (SCD).
An SCD is a finite-state-machine that describes how the class responds to external stimuli (the triggers here are the end of work on the 17th). The stimuli are the receipt of messages by instances of the class, in the form of calls of the class’s operations. Internally dynamic behaviour is described in terms of a set of states, (The status of the glass) the transitions between these states (Time for Another?)

State Chart Diagram showing Irish stout refill
St. Patrick State Chart Diagram (SCD)


Specific Colours

Need to be Precise About Colour?

If you have a specific colour, say a corporate identity, you may need to reproduce this colour in as many of your tools and their outputs as possible.

Cradle has a default shipped palette 120 colours. But these may not precisely match your requirements.


You can tweak the Cradle colours.txt file to change the RGB values to match your colour ident. This colour will now be available in the palette.

So if you need to produce #ColoroftheYear2017 Pantone®’s  15-0343 Greenery if you choose the nearest RGB values, you can.

Editing the colours.txt file to produce a precise colour
Cradle colours.txt file

Continue reading “Specific Colours”

Images in Web Access Views

New Cradle-7.2 Web Access Feature.

In the latest version of Cradle’s Web Access it is possible to show images in a View. In previous versions of Cradle it was only possible to show an item’s images in a Form.

This small but significant enhancement moves the remote Web Access client’s capabilities nearer the WorkBench rich desktop client’s functionality. Therefore, wherever you are located you can get detailed access to your data.

Screen shot showing Images in Web Access Views
Images in Web Access Views


History Filter in Views

New Cradle 7.2 Views Feature

If too much information is showing in the history cell of a View, it can now be filtered by the number of entries and/or by a date. This makes it easier to see what’s changed in, say, the last week.

In the “View Details” dialog select the “Item History” cell. Then in the Cell Properties select whether to limit the “Maximum number of changes”, entering a maximum number to show. Then select  “Changes within date range” in order to enter relative or absolute date values for the history filter.

The start options are:

  • Today
  • Start of this week
  • Start of last week
  • Start of this month
  • Start of last month
  • Start of 2 months ago
  • Start of 3 months ago
  • Specify

The end options are:

  • Today
  • End of last week
  • End of last month
  • End of 2 months ago
  • End of 3 months ago
  • Specify

Happy Pi Day 2017

Misunderstood Requirement Number 3.14159

“The system shall use Pie to calculate the….”

OK so it’s a homophone, caused by a typo. But misunderstood requirements can have a big impact.

Pi Day itself can throw up the question which part of the world do you live in? Today 14/03/2017 specifying in increasing component granularity dd/mm/yyyy is nothing like π. In reverse as UTC 2017-03-14T12:46:14Z again does not have any π significance. However, living elsewhere in the world, as long as it still used the Julian calendar, dates are written differently, if you swap the components to mm/dd/yyyy 3/14/2017 does have a meaning, although we have to skip back in time to 1592 to really tell the joke!

Writing unambiguous requirements is about being clear in your language, precise in your detail and knowing your audience. Otherwise you may end up with Pi on your face…..

photo of a pie
A Tasty Meat and Vegetable Pie

According to Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159.

3SL Partner Hosts MBSE Open-day for the Automotive Sector


3SL’s Brazilian Partner OpenCADD Advanced Technology hosted a MBSE event for the automotive sector on 15th and 16th February 2017 at UTFPR Ponta Grossa, Paraná in Brazil:

UTFPR Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil
UTFPR Ponta Grossa, Paraná – Brazil

The focus for the event was embedded software development in the automotive sector, and included discussion of the software tools provided by OpenCADD in Brazil, which includes 3SL’s Cradle tool. OpenCADD sent a strong team to UTFPR to promote and describe the application and use of MBSE:

OpenCADD Team at UTFPR
OpenCADD Team at UTFPR

The event was attended by several automotive companies including DAF, Chiptronic and Marcopolo, and by many students from UTFPR.

MBSE Presentation at UTFPR
MBSE Presentation at UTFPR


Query Delete State of Linked Items

New Cradle Query Feature

Selection of linked item's delete state
Query Details -Linked items delete state

In the query details dialog, users can now set the ‘Delete State’ of linked (or not linked items).

Those states are:

  • Normal an item considered live and accessible
  • Recoverable an item that has been deleted but could be brought back, hidden in most operations
  • All a combination of the two.

Why is Delete State Important?

It would be logical to run a query to check that all your Requirements are linked to System Requirements. Therefore, setting a query to return Requirements ‘Not Linked’ to System Requirements that are of a Normal Delete State would give you the required list.

On the other hand, before permanently deleting a batch of items, you may want to check that they are not linked to Recoverable items first. In that way you can ensure those items linked items are deleted too.

Since the state of both the primary item and the linked items can be set  this gives all query combinations for an item’s deleted status.